Why is it important to understand energy to manifest our reality?

You may wonder what is the relationship of energy with the awakening of consciousness or transmutation processes on a personal level, here lies the importance of understanding and applying this concept in our life, human beings we have the ability to transform our own energy and produce changes in our personality and physical reality.

These changes include a life partner, financial abundance, inner peace, spiritual connection, or harmonious interpersonal relationships; We can manifest everything we imagine by being creators of our life.

To understand the terminology, it will be exemplified from a quantum-physical context, energy being understood as the ability of bodies to carry out work, move or produce a change in the environment. Emotions and thoughts are the product of energy. Everything that surrounds us, such as living beings and objects in our environment, is made up of atoms made up mostly of empty space, these atoms are linked by energy.

The human being, including his consciousness, is the result of chemical and electrical interactions of a large number of atoms and these in turn are made up of 99.99999 percent of energy, 0.00001 percent constitutes matter. We are energy condensed in a moving body.

The atom is the smallest structure of matter, it contains protons (with a positive electric charge), electrons (with a negative electric charge) and neutrons ( without charge). Protons and neutrons are in the center of the atom forming the nucleus and electrons are in the crust, surrounding the nucleus. All living matter, including humans, is made up of atoms.

Atoms form molecules and these in turn cells, human beings are a set of cells that have energy in their nucleus, for this reason when you heal your energy, the center of each of your cells does too. “By healing our energy, we heal our biology.” The above is essential to understand that we are made up of subatomic particles such as atoms (negative charge, positive charge and neutral), there is an immense relationship with the Law of Attraction, we are magnetic and energetic beings that attract and create our reality.

Within this subatomic particle there are all your dreams, desires and desires (money, goods, health, love, emotional and material freedom) , reflecting everything you hope for and also what you don’t, such as living in scarcity, bitterness, poverty, illness, emotional dependence, instability, among others. Ask yourself what you are currently attracting into your life.

Conscious energy

There are different energy levels, the densest you can see, an example of this would be the Earth, which is heavier, then water and air, that become lighter and finally the light, which is more subtle. These elements have a frequency and a vibration that cannot be modified, unlike the human being, having consciousness & nbsp; we manage to change our vibrational frequency and transform our energy.

In the Universe everything is mechanical, consciousness is the highest vibration, allows us to realize what we are, what we feel, think, do and have; mind has a higher frequency than thought and & nbsp; The brain is only a receiving and transmitting organ, as well as a cell phone, which processes the information it receives or contains and we can see, feel and hear it to take it into action.

Energy is handled with will, controlling our thoughts and emotions & nbsp; it makes the difference of being conscious or not conscious, when we become conscious we begin to know ourselves, we use the energy in our favor to transform ourselves into balanced beings of love.

Don’t forget the main thing, take care of your body, exercise it, feed it healthy because it is the vehicle of the mind as well as the brain, so the thoughts will work in accordance and the emotions will be able to balance.

Life is more than a body or a material medium, remember that we are pure energy with frequencies and vibrations, do not stop making constant introspection of your thoughts and emotions, since these create your reality. & nbsp;

Our reality is what we observe

The ” Double slit experiment” by English scientist Thomas Young, & nbsp; has shown how by observing the infinite particles of an atom, the behavior of energy and matter is altered. This phenomenon is known as “Observer Effect”.

To contextualize, Imagine that we have a wall with & nbsp; slits, at a certain distance a screen is located that serves as a detector. There is a device that launches marbles, waves or electrons in various directions and these are the right size to cross the slits. There are different phenomena:

  1. If there are only one or two slits open and marbles start to be thrown, (they are made of matter) as a result the marbles will hit right in front of the slits they pass through.
  1. If you test with waves instead of marbles, when they reach the double slit, an interference pattern is identified with many fringes projected on the screen.
  1. When launching electrons, which are bits of matter (subatomic particle of the atom), it would be believed that the same result will be obtained from the two bands; by surprise, when conducting the experiment like waves, it forms an interference pattern with many fringes projected on the screen. We explain this in the following way: each electron comes out as a particle, becomes a wave of possibilities, passes through the two slots and intervenes with itself until it hits the wall as a particle. There are multiple projection possibilities when crossing the slit.

The most surprising thing was when the physicists put a measuring device (the observer) next to the screen of the two slots to observe which the electron passed through, when launched, it behaved like a marble, drawing a pattern of two stripes and not an interference pattern like it had done before.

The observer made the electron act differently as if he was aware that it was being observed. Understanding the above, it is explained what happens with the Observer effect in our lives, because when we imagine something it becomes a reality in the quantum field that is in potential for it to happen.

The mind acts as an observer and has the power to shape energy and organize an infinite number of subatomic waves of probability in a given situation, being able to achieve our goals and make changes in our lives , we must pay attention to the focus of our mind because if it is based on fear, negativity, resentment, we could cancel the infinite and wonderful possibilities of the Universe and obtain a unique and particular result that will not favor positively.

The invitation is to learn to be observers of our reality , in this way the life we ​​long for will be manifested, understanding that everything is made up of atoms (pure energy) we have the power to shape energy to our benefit , with greater focus and determination, remembering that the information is in our mind and consciousness in order to transform the energy around us.

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transforming subconscious beliefs, connecting gifts and talents, integral energetic healing of past lives and present life.

Respiration as a physiological function is an innate mechanism in living beings, without it there would be no life, through this process the exchange of gases is regulated, obtaining the necessary oxygen for the correct functioning of the organism and cells.

Respiration in humans consists of inspiration (inhalation) and expiration (exhalation) , in the first the air flows into the lungs and in the second it is expelled out. Being an automatic process, one is not aware of the breath, here it is essential to understand how a conscious breath complements the process of connection, healing and inner balance.

In this way, techniques such as Gamma Breathing (G-Breath) developed by Cory Herter , allows the release of a substance called DMT (N-DimethylTriptamine) in the brain, thanks to it a state of deep relaxation is achieved and go to Theta brain wave , obtaining a meditative moment of complete peace and connection with the Universe.

 How to practice Gamma breathing (G-Breath)? 

Ideal to reprogram beliefs, heal memories and negative emotions transforming them to love; It is recommended to do this breath in times of stress, sadness, confusion or simply when you long for a response and connection with your Higher Self. & nbsp;


At the first prompt inhale and at the second prompt exhale:

Note: With this three-time breathing sequence, you will feel the energy that enters through your Crown Chakra circulating throughout your body. < / p>

After the breathing sequence, visualize in your mind a beam of white light that enters through your Crown Chakra , purifying, cleansing your mind and every part of your body from head to toe. & nbsp;

According to scientific studies, it is estimated that human beings have about sixty thousand thoughts (60,000) a day, most of them are negative, repetitive or from the past, for this reason it is important to enter a meditative state. & nbsp;

Go ahead and practice!

You will get great changes, correct breathing is the basis to connect with your Higher Self.

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


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