According to research from the University of Lund in Sweden, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), the processes of learning and memorizing information are a neural activity in charge of learning that consumes a lot of energy. When the brain learns a certain association, some neurons that act as a brake on the learning mechanism are activated, creating automated behavior habits, acquired by repetition, this is how the brain saves energy; For greater understanding we will give the example of driving a car, brushing teeth or dressing, these are mechanisms that when learned do not need to think about themselves but are established as repetitive habits and are carried out automatically. (Think for a moment of all the energy the brain would use up if every day of our lives we drove like the first day).

The heart beats, the lungs breathe and our joints walk involuntarily saving effort and energy, so the brain stops consciously thinking about basic behaviors.

In the same way, programming of unconscious beliefs operates, from one to seven years old, human beings acquire stimuli from the environment (phrases, words, conversations, assimilation of habits and style life), learned from our relatives and social environment, being repetitive experiences and sensations in childhood, the brain records and creates routes of behavior, attitudes, aptitudes, emotions and beliefs, when we grow these beliefs end up directing our life and the decision making in the workplace, social, family and sentimental.

Understanding the brain, neurons, thinking and beliefs.

The functioning of the human mind involves the activity of the nervous system, mainly the brain, this is responsible for controlling the functions of the body and the nervous system, it is a network that sends messages to the whole body through the spinal cord that starts from the base of the skull, descending down the back through nerves in the form of filaments that branch out to the other organs and parts of the body.

The brain has small cells called neurons, very important for the functioning of our nervous system, they are the messengers of our body, they are the ones that help to recognize the information in the brain and then send the response to the body; it is estimated that there must be around one hundred billion neurons in our nervous system; These transmit signals to other neurons through electrical impulses called synapses.

Proceso de sinapsis 

Neurons are made up of three parts:

The dendrites: They are extensions that are born from the body or soma, they make up a kind of branches similar to those of a tree, they are responsible for capturing the neurotransmitters produced by the nearest neuron, as well as sending the chemical information to the body of the neuron to make it electrically activated.

2. The dendrites: They are extensions that are born from the body or soma, they make up a kind of branches similar to those of a tree, they are responsible for capturing the neurotransmitters produced by the nearest neuron, as well as sending the chemical information to the body of the neuron to make it electrically activated.

3. The axon: It is a unique tube that arises from the body of the neuron; Unlike dendrites, it does not accept information, but is directed to transmit it to other neurons through receptors.

The specialized molecules that carry signals across synapses are called neurotransmitters. The amount of these signals and their path through the brain determine what we perceive, think, feel, and do. Neurotransmitters make one neuron connect with another forming neural networks, the connection of neural networks between them form thoughts and these in turn form beliefs, becoming habituated to patterns or habits of behavior.

Understanding genetic information and beliefs

Thoughts are activated from unconscious beliefs or behavioral habits and influence decision-making, actions or physical reactions, by understanding it, the manifestation of your thoughts together with emotion will be your day to day and you will attract positive or negative consequences to your life; human beings have the ability to change habits, vices, fears and diseases, according to the information we record in the brain, we are responsible for feeding fear or love and changing our reality.

In the creation of neural networks , fifty percent is inherited through the previous four lineages to parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents, this means that genetically half of the percentage of our neural networks corresponds to ancestors, the other fifty percent corresponds to perceived beliefs up to seven years old, since the brain of the newborn has an immense collection of neurons and pathways with plastic properties prepared for the reception of any kind of language and all kinds of sensory information, structuring the individual referential system and personal emotionality, forming beliefs, ideologies and ethical values.

In the child’s mind, the construction of neural networks is important since sensory perceptions clearly depend on the environment from childhood, they still do not have mature cognitive capacity, it is around nine years that the child begins to have the possibility of thinking, reasoning, modifying and even changing habits inherited by the family, that is why many times we become adults making decisions as children.

Biologists from the University of Wisconsin mention how genes are related to the environment in which they develop, that is why if we want to change genes, what we have to do is change the environment and the genes will change, in this way the information permeates the environment in the development of the human being, so it is key to understand that the information that we bring in our bodies and our DNA is part of an inherited or shared process, in the case of the brain, thought patterns are acquired not only from parents but also from ancestors.

By understanding programs inherited, you perceive the history of your lineage, remember that we are ancestors, inheritance, we are gestation (we come programmed from the womb), we are our childhood and from then on what you experience.

The emotion comes from an unconscious belief, this belief is in the DNA, it is key cellular information to understand why you have fears or thoughts that alter your body, your actions and reactions that end up creating your Destiny.

Study the functioning of the brain human is a very important process to perceive the way you think, act and feel, in this way the process of identifying and reprogramming beliefs is more practical when starting the path of inner healing.

You have the power to manifest the life you long for, not understanding how you take decisions or act, Your inherited belief system will continue to control your life and create what you know as the future.

The invitation is to reprogram and imagine if you were doing a mental cleaning of your brain, in this way, you will begin to bring into your life the true beliefs worked from love, vibrating high and in balance.

With love,

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


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