Transforming my being

I am Beatriz Álvarez, mother of María Camila. Leader and creator of Santai Healing; I believe in the metamorphosis of the human being. The materialization of my creator self. The love as a sacred tool of healing. I believe in the manifestation of magic when we heal from our inside and in the abundance of the universe.

Transforming my being

I am a therapist, consultant, expert in the transformation of subconscious beliefs. Integral energetic healing of past lives and present lives. I guide you towards the connection of your gifts and talents. Reminding that in essence we are light and love.

I have done studies in hypnosis. Neurocoaching. Energetic psychology. Coaching in finance. Among others. However. My knowledge and awakening of gifts comes from my experience of healing. Inner transformation and connection with my energy.

Since the year 2017 I have done workshops with my group Santai Healing. Materializing transformation processes, healing, awakening of conscience, and gift activation; I do on-site spanish consultations and online in different countries.

I love to guide each soul that comes to transform into a balanced being and creator of each second of their existence.

Transforming my being

Life story

Transforming my being

My transformation symbols are the Eagle, the butterfly, the lotus flower, and the diamond. As well as them, my life had a divine purpose, going through a transformation process, although being too painful, helped me to understand how the universe Works. I transformed my emotions, my nature, my customs and everything that made my believe that my life had no sense.

The divinity has guide my path throughout all the process of inner healing. A day of february of 2014, when I fetl I didn’t want to live, the universe directed me to find a spiritual guide for two years; I learned about the transgenerational influence from a family, social, material and spiritual aspect, from health, sickness, love, money, sex, beliefs, fears, limitations, and endless manifestations that present in our lives. After these two years, having the basic information I continued my path alone and in meditation. My knowledge was increasingly deep, my conscience awakened in a great way, while meditating I received information that I had to heal and reprogram, I also connected with memories from others incarnations that made me understand that we come repeating the same situations life after life, our mission is to transform it into love, in this way we become conscious beings, with the capacity of create from a world of multiple possibilities.

Healing and reprogramming I started to develop my gifts and talents, I can connect with the energy of the people, discovering their subconscious beliefs and see their past lives, guide them in a process of healing, achieving every day emotional balance and inner peace, along with the manifestation of their objectives from the love.

Transforming my being

I strongly believe that we are beings capable of enjoying money, love, sex and the spiritual connection in all its splendor, from the peace and the harmony; I also repeated stories, beliefs, fears, since my process I had to heal, reprogram to create, to clean my soul and manifest my present, understanding that we are abundant beings “it is our true essence”. Perceiving that the reflection of our outer world is what I must heal in my inner world. It was magical! At the same time that my being was changing, my outer world was also changing in a positive way. We are what we think and materialize from our subconscious beliefs. Everything we choose to believe, is what we are going to manifest in our present.

My awakening has been a gift from the life, understanding the magic of energy and the universe thanks to the connection with the nature, meditation, inner silence, healthy diet, as well as reading, consistency, and emotional coherence from the thinking, speaking, feeling, and act with love in each learning of my life, makes me feel extremely happy.

I connected with my true being, my inner peace, I understood that I could create everything I wished, I keep meditating, healing, reprogramming, doing constant introspection and I will continue doing it while I be in my paradise called Earth.

It is wonderful to feel that the more I heal and purify myself, my light expands in the Universe towards everything that surrounds me and this light makes that everything around me coordinate and start to happen the magic of synchronicity in my life.

With love, dedication, action, patience, trust and connection with our Divinity, we can change what we call Destiny


It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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