Transformation Symbols

The eagle, the butterfly, the lotus flower and the diamond are transformed through a painful process, to come out into the world renewed and resplendent. In the same way, human beings when wanting a change, have to make the decision to face the shadows and transform the subconscious beliefs that prevent us from achieving our desires.

Just as the fleur de lis manifests in symbology as a new beginning:

It is the moment of your


Transformation Symbols

The Eagle

The eagle is the longest-lived bird of its species, it can live up to seventy years. To reach this age, at forty it will have to make a difficult decision; its nails are tight and flexible, its beak is long and pointed, its wings are aged, heavy, and its feathers are thick. Living becomes too difficult.

The eagle has only two alternatives: to die or to face the painful process of renewal that lasts one hundred and fifty days.

This process consists of flying to the top of a mountain and hitting its beak against the rocks until it is pulled out, it must wait for the growth of a new one with which it detaches its nails and heels one by one. When its new nails start to come in it will start to take off its old feathers.

After five months, already renewed, the eagle can live another thirty years.


The butterfly

The Butterfly metamorphoses from a worm to a delicate flying creature.

It survives in loneliness, confronting the exterior and its inner development, for it is painful to grow up, break the cocoon, take out its wings; fighting not to die, unable to accept anyone helping it, everything depends on its own effort; it lives its cycles to meet the goal of each day: Survive!

In the process of transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, pain is necessary because it is from there that its wings come out strong and vigorous.

Transformation Symbols
Transformation Symbols

The lotus flower

The lotus flower is born in stagnant waters and despite that it is not impregnated with mud.

The muddy water that surrounds the plant is associated with the attachment and carnal desires of the human being, it rises above the surface, opening in full light, facing the sun to bloom with remarkable beauty, at night the flower closes and sinks under water.

The lotus flower represents the purity of the heart, the mind and the spiritual elevation.


The diamond

It goes from being coal to a beautiful crystal of immense value. It has to be many years underground, forming under conditions of extreme pressure and temperature.

Once transformed into a gemstone, the diamond is considered a conductor of positive energy, wealth, and success.

Patience is very important in this process”

Transformation Symbols
Transformation Symbols

Fleur de lis

The word Lis is of French origin, represented in a lily or iris. It is the symbol of the new beginning and transformation. In the scout movement, it symbolizes sovereignty, honor and loyalty. It is common to see it in cultures such as the English, Italian and French culture (in which it represents the symbol of its dynasty and the royal lineage).

In history, the divine qualities are: beauty, hope, perfection, generosity, purity, honor, it is the source of life and light; represents the balance of our vital energy, it has six petals, three in the lower part and three in the upper part, forming two tetrahedrals that symbolize the Star of David, the Holy Trinity, the balance between heaven and Earth and the tree of life. The ring placed in the center is a symbol of unity.

Represented by the Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, Egyptians and Chinese; present in sacred alchemy and different religions since ancient times. In the Renaissance when the coats of arms managed to reach enlightenment (the philosopher’s stone) they related it to the fleur de lis.

The three lower leaves of the fleur de lis are related to the three fundamental states of the Being and the balance of the lower Chakras, which with inner and spiritual work, maintains stability from the center of our heart, connected with the vital energy that we receive from the Mother Earth; managing to integrate the three upper Chakras.

The fleur de lis is a symbol that has manifested in the subtlest levels of consciousness, such as the purity of the body and the soul, transmuting experiences that human beings have engraved in their genetic code so that their consciousness can be free and connect with their divinity.


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