Consultations Santai

It is not the same to know the path as to walk it; information and knowledge by themselves do not generate changes in our lives.

It's time to wake up

awareness taking action!

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Frequent questions
What are the benefits of a consultation?

Thanks to my studies and the information I awakened consciousness, together with my inner work of healing, reprogramming and continuous meditation, activate my gifts and talents, one of them was the ability to connect with the most subtle energy through my Higher Self and identify the emotions, subconscious beliefs and past lives of my consultants , obtaining the ability to guide each person in their personal transformation process, managing to discover together their gifts and capacities in order to balance emotions from the energy of love.

A consultation can bring multiple benefits to your life:

  • By making the information about how energy and the Universe work, you acquire an awakening of consciousness , understanding that everything in your life has a reason, a goal and a divine purpose.
  • You perceive that we are repeating situations of our ancestors (parents, grandparents, great-grandparents), likewise, that our words, thoughts and emotions create our reality < / strong>, you become aware of energy, Universal Laws, the correct functioning of the brain, reality at a quantum level, among others. The importance of all this knowledge, such as the Law of Attraction, must be understood in order to know how to use it to our advantage.
  • It is important to understand that it is difficult for human beings to easily access unconscious information where our beliefs and deepest emotions are found , which must be identified , then go to heal and reprogram them, to materialize our desires; Hence the importance of a guide at the beginning of the process, as there is transformation (connect with the energy of love) you will gradually discover the emotions to heal them and activate your gifts.
  • In your healing and reprogramming process you will manifest changes in each area you work on, since your outer world is a reflection of your inner world, discipline and action are required, when you do it with < strong> heart , your life is transforming, you improve your self-esteem, self-love, interpersonal relationships, sexual relationships with love, the achievement of goals, among others, so you will see how you become more abundant in every area of ​​your life.

This requires constant introspection and accompaniment to discover these limiting subconscious programs.

Note: Santai Healing does not promise or guarantee any change, it only provides guidance and information for the consultant to achieve what he wants.

Do I have to follow a religion to be able to make a consultation?

You can follow the religion you want or even not practice any type of religion. During the consultation you will be guided to connect with your intuition and with your spirit or simply with your Higher Self , thanks to the professional accompaniment you will be supported to identify your emotions and beliefs, providing you with the necessary information to achieve your goals.

How do I know that having a consultation is the most appropriate for me?

There are several possibilities to carry out the query:

  • When focus is lacking when it comes to fulfilling our goals and desires, in the same way when there are circumstances that bother you and no matter how hard you try to change them, you don’t get it because you don’t You have found the how to achieve it , finally opting for an accompaniment or support for the realization of said personal, work, sentimental goals, among others.
  • Making a query is also appropriate when you have low self-esteem, insecurities and fears that you want to release, for this process it is important to identify the root of the beliefs because the information is programmed in the subconscious , being important to replace it with new knowledge and new beliefs that will help you transform that reality and become who you really want.

Note: Remember that when there are situations or events under fear, insecurity, discomfort, among others and are not governed by your true desires, that is when you must do inner work.

How many consultations do I require to transform my life?

The Santai Healing Comprehensive Healing and Transformation Program for 40 days consists of five consultations, each lasting 2 hours, in which you will be provided with the guidance and information necessary to direct your life, you will also have personalized weekly support plus a benefits pack to incorporate into your inner work.

It is important that after 40 days (5 consultations) you follow your process since we are changing a destiny which is being directed by your beliefs; A fortnightly consultation is recommended, to continue identifying information and your limiting beliefs, and thus convert them into positive beliefs, to feel real changes in your life.


Do I have to believe in past lives to be able to make a consultation?

No, if this information does not resonate with you, you can still make a consultation and receive the appropriate guidance in your healing and reprogramming process.

How do I ensure that my personal information will be safe after the consultation?

Santai Healing informs all users that data, records and personal information will be kept confidential.

It is important to remind clients to request virtual sessions carried out through electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, tablets, among others, through telecommunications platforms such as Gmail, Hotmail, Skype, Facetime, Zoom, among others; that being means of massive use each company has its privacy and data management policy , therefore, SANTAI HEALING cannot control or be responsible for said treatment.

How can I make an inquiry if I do not live in the city of Miami?

If you live in Miami – United States, you have the option of making a consultation in person, otherwise, they are made through the Zoom platform.

Will I get a refund if I need to cancel my scheduled consultation?

Since the scheduling of an appointment implies the reservation of time for the consultant, a minimum notice of twenty-four (24) hours, that is, one (1) full day, is required to reschedule an appointment.

You can reschedule it on the following WhatsApp channel.

By not canceling the appointment 24 hours before, the session of the program will be discounted. The consultant may reschedule his appointment again, according to our Terms and Conditions.

If the person is not in Miami-Florida, virtual sessions are offered via Zoom anywhere in the Spanish-speaking world.

Santai Healing will not issue refunds. Remember to reschedule each appointment. It should be noted that if the user reschedules the appointment more than three times, the program session will be discounted.

What side effects could I have after consulting?

After making the consultations, you may experience uncomfortable feelings, such as sadness, guilt, anxiety, anger, frustration or the memory of unpleasant events. You may also feel confrontational with your emotions or ego (remember that the work is with the inner child) . It may be likely but not always the case, experiencing tiredness, headache, stomach upset, or increased energy in the first few days after the session.

How can I enter a virtual consultation?

You can enter from any digital device (Computer, Tablet or cell phone) with internet access and / or connection platforms, specifically WhatsApp and Zoom.

Do you have online or mobile therapy?

Yes, we can provide consultations by cell phone or video call through different digital means.

How long does the therapy last?

The consultations will last two (2) hours.

Do I need an account or user to purchase a consultation?

You do not need to create an account to purchase a consultation. However, to find the documents – Ebooks, audio guides, and support information, we give the option of having a user account, so that you can find all the information in one place.

How can I contact Santai Healing?

You can write to us by email: or WhatsApp to give you more information

What is the attention hour?

Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. at 1:00 p.m. And from 2:00 p.m. at 7:00 p.m.
Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. at 1:00 p.m.
Local time, Florida, United States.

Does the price of the virtual consultation already include taxes?

Yes, the price of the virtual consultation already includes taxes.

What are the payment methods?

You can pay with a debit card, MasterCard, Visa or American Express credit card, among others depending on the country where you are.

What security policies does Santai Healing have for my credit card details?

From our portal we do not capture, store or transmit transactional data. For this we have the services that are PCI certified payment gateways. This is why you can make your payments on our website without worrying. Additionally we have a secure site certificate.

Can the consultations be made in any country in the world?

Yes, you can make the consultation anywhere, however, the sessions are held in Spanish.

Can I access the consultation with a friend or relative?

Remember that the consultations are carried out for your inner work, we recommend entering individually.

The purpose of the human being is to activate
the intuitive knowledge of the heart and connecting with the Divine,
recognizing the true identity:
"A being of light and love."

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It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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