The reincarnation

Brian Weiss said: “There are many more souls than people. This is not the only world. Souls exist in various dimensions. None of us have started on the planet. Earth is a kind of school. It is not the lowest level, nor the highest either.”.

Reincarnation is a subject of difficult understanding  for many people, whether it be because of beliefs or dogmas established in society; For those who believe in past lives, the objective on Earth is learning, by achieving this, the divine purpose is fulfilled from the energy of love.


As human beings we cannot transcend to a higher level of consciousness until we have obtained the learning that we come to live, we are traveling souls, we incarnate to share experiences, in doing so we cannot remember the diversity of lives and paths traveled, for this reason it is normal that there be guilt for learning and negative circumstances from past lives, being an unconscious act  to not be able to remember, creating situations of pain and suffering in the present life. Therefore, healing guilt and self-punishment is the key so that what we do for others be achieved with love and not with feelings of guilt. By healing, our learnings are transcended for the evolution of the soul, since the Universe is in constant balance, Karma is equal to balance. Everything must be balanced.

"Nature is balanced"
My story and a few more...

I have witnessed the power that reincarnation has in our lives, my story and my family one is an example. During twenty years I was Catholic, for another fourteen, Christian, in both reincarnation was taboo. Years later, God put big trials in my life, so much that my walk changed and I began to wake up, by doing so, I prayed to my spirit to reveal to me if reincarnation existed, it was when everything began to synchronize, managing to study and become aware of the topic.

Surprisingly, as the days went by, I understood the reason for each situation lived, discovering that what was NOT HEALED in past lives was manifested in my present life, finding similar people, emotions and circumstances.

Thanks to the inner work when I began to heal, reprogram my beliefs and meditate, my gifts began to be activated, one of them was developing the ability to see past lives in myself and in others, A GIFT OF LIFE. Intuition is a gift that I have since I was a child, however throughout my process it was greatly enhanced, which helped me balance and cut energies that had accompanied me and my loved ones life after life by the Law of Cause and Effect. (Karma).

You may wonder:
Why also the one of my loved ones?

It turns out that all the people with whom we do not heal in other incarnations present with a similar energy in the present life and can manifest themselves by fulfilling different roles, for example: your father in a past live can be your brother in the current one, as well as repeating a sentimental relationship l with the same person in similar circumstances, the closest beings come with you from another life and the conflicts that we bring with them is because we did not solve them in a past live and it is time to be in peace and harmony.

What can happen when comparing
my current life with other incarnations?

For no reason, there are mixed feelings with close people, acquaintances or, on the contrary, there is an affinity and you have a feeling that you have known them for a long time (feeling of attraction).

You have recurring dreams or spontaneous memories, the so-called “Déjà vu”, that strange feeling of having experienced the same moment on another occasion.

Also with people who have gifts and without knowing you, they give you information about other incarnations similar to circumstances that you are currently experiencing.

Every cause brings an effect: When living situations and experiences with people in past lives, debts have been settled with them or vice versa, if you do something negative to me in one life, I will do it to you in the next one; everything we do will be returned in this life or the next, as well as with other situations. In my consultations when I explain the law of cause and effect they ask me why in this life they have suffered too much and they feel that their actions are positive… the only answer is that you are balancing karma from a past live. It is a game, the famous Wheel of Samsara (known in Hindu culture)


By healing the past lives that are revealed to you and the present life, you will begin to identify who you really are: A Being of light and love.


With the orientation of a guide, discover your past lives, the subconscious beliefs and the genetic influence of your ancestors that prevent you from manifesting your desires, when you achieve this, you can start a shealing process, where little by little will disappear negative emotions for beings that surround you or the manifestations of the outside that you do not like.


Thanks to inner work, activating the energy of love and forgiveness, you will raise your vibrational frequency, fulfilling yourself in all areas, both emotional and material, discovering your mission on Earth, so that at the end of the path you stop incarnating and return to your true home.

In conclusion, reincarnation has an end as described, that is why when fulfilling the mission, the soul finds the way out, balancing our energy from love with all the people and circumstances lived, when learning all the lessons the soul will return by free will or will remain in another dimensional plane supporting the Earth from that state fulfilling its divine purpose.

I want to remind you that you can continue enjoying our content made with a lot of love so that your awakening of consciousness is clearer and when it comes to identifying your beliefs you can understand the origin and thus be more practical so that you start the path of inner healing and the true manifestation.

You can continue with the text:
The seven Universal Laws

Creator of Santai Healing. Expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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