Experiential workshops

Participate in our Santai
experiential meetings,
here we will guide your awakening
of consciousness.

Undertaking the path of personal and spiritual growth is a fascinating gift that the Universe brings to you.

Don't you understand why negative and repetitive situations happen to you in love, money, work, personal and relationships?
Is it difficult for you to manifest what you want?
Are you emotionally discouraged and can't find a way out?

If you are here, it is to take action , it is time to wake up with your inner power.

In the Santai Experiential Workshops you will find guidance, magic and healing, here you will discover life perspectives, identify beliefs and love being part of our community.

You have the power, you are a creative Being, you can evolve in consciousness, heal, reprogram, love and find a state of fulfillment.

What kind of internships do our online workshops include?
  • Guided meditations.
  • Identification of limiting beliefs.
  • Practical guide to healing with your inner child.
  • Santai life experiences.
  • Among other..
What to do to participate in them?

By making the first consultation you will have the possibility to join our Santai community, we will provide you with access through linked platforms (WhatsApp and Zoom) so you can enter.

How often do the Santai workshops hold?

The first Monday of every month.

* May vary according to agenda or commemorative dates.

What do I have to have to participate in them?

You can enter from any digital device (Computer, Tablet or cell phone) with internet access and / or connection platforms, specifically WhatsApp and Zoom.

What are the topics addressed?

The topics to be worked on in the Santai Workshops are carried out so that the process of identification of beliefs is more practical for those who start the path of inner healing , in virtual spaces topics such as:

  • Reprogramming of subconscious beliefs.
  • The reencarnation.
  • Activation of gifts and talents.
  • Connection with the energy of love.
  • Materialización desde la energía sexual creadora.
  • Universal energy and laws.
  • Development of financial skills.
  • Rejection of abundance.
  • Self-esteem and self-love.
  • Healing with paternal or maternal lineage.
  • Guilt and unconscious self-punishment.
  • Among many others…
If I do not make the consultations, how can I enter the workshops?

You can write to us at the email: hello@santaihealing.com or WhatsApp + 1 (305) 772-1296 to give you more information.

Your awakening of consciousness depends only on you … Information is the path to your freedom, understanding and understanding guides you to connect with your true essence.

Your world will make more sense!
Check it out for yourself.

It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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