Conscious and subconscious mind

The conscious and subconscious mind
have different functions
and learn in different ways.

The conscious mind is creative, logical and rational, it is related to personal identity and spirituality. It is always in the search of fulfilling our wishes. Behavior, decisions, actions and emotions represent five percent (5%) of the conscious part.

On the other hand, the subconscious mind constitutes ninety-five percent (95%) of the brain, it works as a mechanism for recording and reproducing our behaviors automatically. It is like a database that stores programs and behaviors. It processes information a million times faster than the conscious mind.

The subconscious programs facilitate the nature of our life, for example: when we learn to drive over time, it is incorporated as a habit and becomes an automatic mechanism, without the need to learn it every day, once the program is recorded. It is activated in the brain automatically.

How are programs established

in the mind of human beings?

For greater understanding, it will be explained what the vibration levels of the brain are and how they influence the learning of the conscious and subconscious mind.


: This level is characterized by its passive or asleep state, the brain activity operates unconsciously.


In this frequency the brain is in a state of deep relaxation, the imagination also acts there.


It is considered a state of calmed conscience, example: walking in a park or watching a television program in a relaxed environment.


It is when the brain vibration is active, whether it be working, studying, among others.

From the womb, genetic inheritance is transmitted through DNA, this is a set of molecules, which is found to a lesser extent in the mitochondria and to a greater extent in the nucleus of the cell, in structures called chromosomes, there they are written the genetic instructions that define how the cell works, what we are like and when it has to divide.

Each species has a specific number of chromosomes, the human being has forty-six (46) chromosomes. All cells in the body contain twenty-three (23) pairs of chromosomes, except the sex cells (sperm and egg). We receive half of the DNA from our father (23 chromosomes) and the other half from our mother (23 chromosomes) .

From the womb, information from the mother is transferred to the embryo. Emotions such as love, joy, enthusiasm, satisfaction, sadness, fear, anger, resentment, stress, become a very intense signal for the baby, this information is external and even if he does not understand it, he manages to assimilate and adopt it as own, learning through genetic patterns .

In the first seven years of life, children do not express levels of consciousness, at birth the brain is in the lowest frequency called Delta, during the first year the baby remains asleep most of the time, his brain does not consciously capture information since it is not working at a higher level.

After the first year, the child raise the vibration to Theta, the imagination is a great ally in their first experiences, thanks to it they respond to the environment, act like in a hypnotic state recording behaviors and emotions that they observe and experience around them.

Upon reaching seven years of age, their brain activity increases to the Alpha level, in this state children become aware of the world around them. At twelve years of age, brain activity rises to Beta, with a consciousness focused on learning.

How does the brain,

mind and thoughts work?

The Nervous System reads environmental signals and the mind interprets them as information, sending it to an internal level, influencing the genetics and behavior of our cells, organs and systems.

thoughts release neurochemicals and these control biology, when the mind perceives pleasant feelings such as love, this process causes the brain to release hormones through the bloodstream, being the case of dopamine, characterized by the sensation of generating pleasure, or oxytocin which is the hormone responsible for creating bonds thanks to the feeling of love or friendship. When we are in love, the brain releases vasopressin, the hormone responsible for attraction, makes us feel more attractive, leading to an excellent relationship with our partner. Growth hormone is also released when we are in love, this improves our vitality and our cells are healthier.

When being afraid, the brain releases stress hormones,which are cortisol and norepinephrine, changing the circulation of the body, generating chemicals that affect the immune system, creating disease or death

Why are thoughts in the

subconscious mind important?

Positive thoughts manifest pleasant experiences in our lives, while negative thoughts work in the opposite direction, studies reveal that seventy percent (70%) of thoughts are negative, mostly directing the actions of human beings.

By bringing these thoughts to our mind, the subconscious takes them as real, this process makes the learned, inherited or adapted programs direct everything manifested in our lives; These negative thoughts are not ours, they are the result of what we observe and learn in the environment, our family, culture, school, community, mass media, among others, therefore what we attract to our life is not in coherence with what we really wish.

The subconscious mind is the mind that is most difficult to access, identifying subconscious beliefs and learning to reprogram them is the key to connecting with all our deepest desires.

“The function of the mind is to create coherence between your beliefs and your reality ...
What does this mean?
If I have a negative belief, my mind must create in my reality something that ties that belief”.

Bruce Lipton

I want to remind you that you can continue enjoying our content made with a lot of love so that your awakening of consciousness is clearer and when it comes to identifying your beliefs you can understand the origin and thus be more practical so that you start the path of inner healing and the true manifestation.

You can continue with the text: My ego, my inner child?

Creator of Santai Healing. Expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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