The structure
of the human mind

Have you ever wondered how our mind works? How fascinating it is to know! By having clarity of its structure we can find different responses to experiences, behaviors, reactions, beliefs, habits and manifestations, in this way, the structure of the human mind is linked and works from a conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind.

Conscious mind:

Considered as rational, logical and analytical. It is responsible for creating and receiving information continuously from the external world through the five senses. It processes and captures information since we are in our mother’s womb through the nervous system in formation, all the mother’s nervous impulses, whether they are pain, joy, fear, anger, sadness, low self-esteem, discouragement, among others, will influence the mood and temperamental dispositions of the baby.

As we are born and develop, everything we feel, see and hear in our family, environment, school, friends, among others, we perceive thanks to the conscious mind, these emotions and beliefs are automatically stored in the subconscious mind, directing our life and becoming what we know as destiny.

The structure of the human mind
The structure of the human mind
Subconscious mind:

It is in charge of forming the personality, behavior and character of the person. It works as an automatic file of information, storing memories, experiences, values and above all the beliefs that come genetically from parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. Archive each moment, each event, where memories and repressed impulses are found, it is here where the belief systems that will give rise to the way of acting, thinking and feeling of each person are fixed.

These emotions are stored under our consciousness, as if they were hidden and could not be seen with the naked eye, since it is the part of the mind that is difficult to access, for this This is why people cannot easily access information in the subconscious mind. So it seems that decisions are made consciously are influenced by the subconscious, as well as it is a source of creativity and helps us solve problems, even those that seem to have no solution.

The early formative years of the child are totally important as the archive of the subconscious mind will remain open to all experience, until about puberty. From then on, the mind acts according to its already established beliefs, archives those events that are traumatic and that leave a significant mark on the individual.

NOTE: People who believe in past lives and Karma, these files influence our subconscious by genetic DNA memory and the information of experiences that the soul brings life after life. For those of us who have lived these experiences, it is something real, loaded with emotions, experiences and concepts similar to events in the present life.

Unconscious mind:

It is the part of the mind that acts reactively, defends strongly the beliefs stored in the subconscious mind , leading to repeat stories similar to that of our family, in love , money, sex, spiritual connection, among others. Its function is to defend what it already knows , it protects the person from all danger as established in the memory file.

The unconscious assumes, interferes and does not reason, it usually makes negative assumptions when defending beliefs, it has created a defensive state against everything that interferes.

Human beings who have gone through negative experiences in their childhood or adults who have experienced strong impressions or experiences of suffering, pain, punishment, confinement or forced situations, have a reactive mechanism that constantly defends them since through their imagination they see attack , danger everywhere and in all people, causing behaviors that harm the individual emotionally and physically, such as addictions, temperament or negative emotions, somatizing them in the body with diseases.

The language of the unconscious is different from what is normally used, this is a symbolic language which we must learn to interpret. The unconscious mind is also literal does not know how to differentiate reality from fantasy , which makes visualizations and imagination equally effective in communicating with her.

As we were programmed, it is possible to reprogram our beliefs after identifying them through visualizations, appropriate vocabulary and positive habits with the new beliefs that you want to acquire, to achieve a life in complete peace and harmony in connection with your desires .

The structure of the human mind

I want to remind you that you can continue enjoying our content made with a lot of love so that your awakening of consciousness is clearer and when it comes to identifying your beliefs you can understand the origin and thus be more practical so that you start the path of inner healing and the true manifestation.

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Conscious and Subconscious Mind

Creator of Santai Healing. Expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


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