Personal data processing policy


In compliance with the applicable legislation on habeas data, this constitutes the data processing policy for the users of the SANTAI CORP website, in which the purposes for which the personal data will be used are met. that are collected through the use of the website. By accepting this policy, the user expresses their consent to the use and storage that SANTAI CORP makes of their personal data, as well as the purposes for which they will be used.

1. Identification of the company responsible for data processing.

Company name: SANTAI CORP.
Tax Identification Number (EIN): 84-3333987.
Registered office: Miami-Dade, Florida.

Social activity: Individual and group sessions to impact the personal transformation of users through workshops, meetings and consultancies with a comprehensive approach, encompassing body, mind, soul and spirit.

2. Data Processing Policy

Through this policy, SANTAI, in compliance with its legal and regulatory duty, strives to make effective the constitutional guarantee of protection of personal and family privacy of all people, establishing instruments and expeditious controls in order to provide treatment appropriate to the information it manages.

This policy establishes the terms, conditions and purposes under which SANTAI, as responsible for the personal data obtained through its different service channels, treats the information of all the people who at some point for reasons of the activity developed by the entity, or by browsing the website, have provided personal data (hereinafter “data owner”).

The personal data that SANTAI keeps, in its capacity as responsible and / or in charge, will be treated in compliance with the principles and regulations set forth in the applicable legal regulations, which are aligned with good international practices in the matter.

3. Purpose of Data Processing

The authorization for the treatment of your personal data allows SANTAI to collect, transfer, store, use, circulate, delete, share, update and transmit, for the purposes of fulfilling the following purposes:

  • For the sale of products and / or services marketed by SANTAI.
  • To comply with the obligations derived from commercial contracts and other legal businesses that SANTAI celebrates in development of its main activity.
  • To validate the information in compliance with the legal requirement of knowledge of the client.
  • To comply with orders from judicial or administrative authorities.
  • Manage the list of subscribers and users attached to the web.
  • Manage your network of affiliates and merchants, as well as the management of their payments.
  • For portfolio management and collection within the framework of the habeas data regime.

In each business process, and in accordance with the personal data collected and the treatment to be carried out, the particular purposes will be previously informed in the respective privacy notice; name or company name and contact information of the person in charge of the treatment, the rights of the owner and the mechanisms provided by SANTAI to publicize the Privacy Policy.

4. Rights of the owner of personal data

The data owner is informed of the rights that the laws on personal data protection offer, which are listed below and that SANTAI guarantees them through compliance with the defined procedures:

  • Know, update and rectify your personal data in front of the entity. This right can be exercised, among others, against partial, inaccurate, fractioned, misleading data, or those whose treatment is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized.
  • Request proof of the authorization granted to the entity when it is expressly excepted as a requirement for the treatment.
  • Be informed by the entity, upon request, regarding the use that has been given to your personal data.
  • Present before the competent authority complaints for infractions to the provisions of this policy and the other regulations that modify, add or complement it.
  • Revoke the authorization and / or request the deletion of the data when the treatment does not respect the principles, rights and constitutional and legal guarantees. The revocation and / or deletion will proceed when the competent authority has determined that in the treatment the responsible company or the person in charge have incurred in conduct contrary to this law and the Constitution.
  • Access your personal data free of charge that have been subject to treatment.

To exercise these rights you must take into account the following information:

  1. To consult personal data, request authorization or information on the use given to the data, you can make the consultation in writing to the email owned by SANTAI. The consultation must be through communication addressed to SANTAI, with the full name of the owner, the description of the consultation, the residence address and the contact telephone number.
  1. To submit a request for correction, update or deletion of data, or to file a claim for alleged breach of SANTAI’s duties related to data protection, the request must be made in writing to the same email mentioned in number 1. The request or claim must be made through a communication addressed to SANTAI, with the full name of the owner, the description of the events that give rise to the request or claim, the address of residence, the contact telephone number and the documents that you want to enforce must be attached.

If the application or claim is incomplete, you will be required within five (5) days after receipt of the claim to correct the faults. After two (2) months from the date of the request, without the applicant submitting the required information, it will be understood that the claim has been withdrawn.

Upon receipt of the habeas data requests, SANTAI will respond in accordance with the law.

5. Information security

SANTAI is committed to making a correct use and treatment of the personal data contained in its databases, avoiding unauthorized access to third parties that may know or violate, modify, disclose and / or destroy the information that rests there.

All employees are committed to confidentiality and proper handling of databases, following the guidelines on the treatment of information established in the Law.

SANTAI is directly responsible for the processing of personal data; However, it reserves the right to delegate such treatment to a third party. SANTAI requires the person in charge to attend to and implement the ideal guidelines and procedures for the protection of personal data and their strict confidentiality.

The owner of the data registers or delivers his information freely and voluntarily and acknowledges that he has read and expressly accepts these terms and conditions.

6. Storage of your personal data

SANTAI requests the necessary data for the contracting of the services it provides and for the knowledge of the client. In some cases, you can request additional and sensitive information which is freely and voluntarily delivered by the data owner.

Once your personal data has been provided, voluntarily and freely, they are stored in the relevant database according to the service purchased. Only authorized personnel who have signed information confidentiality agreements can access the personal data of our clients.

7. Modifications to the Personal Data Treatment Policies

SANTAI reserves the right to modify, at any time, unilaterally, its policies and procedures for the processing of personal data. Any changes will be posted and announced. In addition, the previous versions of this personal data treatment policies will be kept. The continuity of the contractual relationship by the owner of the data after the notification of the new guidelines constitutes acceptance of the same.

8. Information disclosure

The owner of the data, with the acceptance of this policy of treatment of personal data, declares to know that SANTAI, can provide this information to related and allied entities and to judicial or administrative entities and other entities of the State that, in exercise of their functions, request this information. Likewise, he accepts that they may be subject to internal audit or external audit processes by companies in charge of this type of control. The foregoing, subject to the confidentiality of the information.

9. Links or external links

As a service to our visitors, our website may include hyperlinks to other sites that are not operated or controlled by the Website. Therefore & nbsp; does not guarantee, nor is it responsible for the legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity and timeliness of the contents of such websites or their privacy practices. Please be aware that their practices Privacy policy may differ from ours.

10. Services offered by third parties on this website.

To provide services strictly necessary for the development of our activity, uses the following providers under their corresponding conditions privacy.

• Hosting: Godaddy

• Web platform: WordPress.Org

• Template for WordPress: Self-made.

• Messaging and newsletter delivery services: Jackmail.

• Payment platform: Stripe

• Payment methods: Stripe and Paypal

• Booking means: Amelia Worpress

In you can also study the preferences of its users, their demographic characteristics, their traffic patterns, and other information together to better understand who our audience is and what they need. Tracking our users’ preferences also helps us show you the most relevant advertisements.

The user and, in general, any natural or legal person, may establish a hyperlink or technical link device (for example, links or buttons) from their website to (the “Hyperlink”). The establishment of the Hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of relations between and the owner of the site or the page website in which the Hyperlink is established, nor the acceptance or approval by of its contents or services. In any case, reserves the right to prohibit or disable any Hyperlink to the Website at any time

11. Personal data capture systems and their purpose

1) Subscription forms: Jackmail

2) Contact form: Amelia Worpress

3) WhatsApp button:

4) Reservation form: Amelia Worpress

5) Cookies: When the user registers or browses this website, «cookies» are stored; The user can consult the cookie policy at any time to obtain more information on the use of cookies and how to deactivate them.

6) Sale of products and / or services: Through the website, products and / or services can be purchased, in this case, buyer data is required (Name, surname, address and e-mail) by the Woocommerce platform.

7). Tracking systems used on this website: & nbsp; Google Analytics is an online tool and platform developed by Google inc to measure and analyze what happens on the website. & Nbsp;

12. Social plugins

On our website we offer you links and services related to different social networks (eg: “Like” Facebook). If you are a member of a social network and you click on the corresponding link, the provider of the social network may link your profile data with the information on your visit to said website.

Therefore, it is convenient that the user is informed about the functions and personal data processing policies of the respective social network if they access one of our web pages with any of their profiles on social networks or share information through them.

The user can access the privacy policies of the different social networks at any time, as well as configure their profile to guarantee their privacy. The SANTAI CORP links on the different social networks are:




Other means of interaction

Santai Healing informs all users that data, records and personal information will be kept confidential. It is important to remind clients to request virtual sessions carried out through electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, tablets, among others, through telecommunications platforms such as Gmail, Hotmail, Skype, Facetime, Zoom, among others; that being mass-use media, each company has its privacy and data management policy, therefore, SANTAI HEALING cannot control or be responsible for such treatment.

13. Acceptance, consent and revocability

The User declares to have been informed of the conditions on protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the treatment thereof by SANTAI CORP. In the manner and for the purposes indicated in the legal notice.

The user acknowledges and accepts that at any time they may revoke their data, but always without retroactive character.

14. Attention to inquiries and claims

To receive inquiries, claims, complaints or to exercise your rights as a client, you can communicate via email , they will be attended in the times established by law.

This policy has been approved by SANTAI, on October 05, 2021.


It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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