Cookies policy


SANTAI CORP , as responsible for the website, guarantees that it fully complies with current regulations on cookies, however, informs that it is not possible to know with full certainty the veracity or timeliness of the information provided by third parties, even within this website, so the user is always recommended to check the policies relating to each domain.

The foregoing applies especially to certain information such as texts, documents or images that can be stored on another website, but which is shown on our page through hyperlinks. In the event that while browsing this website, the user encounters other cookies other than those provided in this policy, it is their duty to inform themselves about them directly on the website of the third party in question.

1. Definition of cookies

A cookie is a small piece of information sent by a website and stored in the user’s browser, so that the website can consult the previous activity of the browser. Cookies are commonly used by application servers to differentiate users and to act differently depending on them.

3. What cookies does this website use?

In order to ensure that the user has the best browsing experience, share content on social networks and so that advertisements of interest may appear during browsing, this website combines the use of its own and third-party cookies.

The cookies used in & nbsp; are only associated with an anonymous User and their computer, they do not provide references that allow deducing the name and surname of the User and cannot read data from their hard drive or include viruses in their texts. Also, cannot read the cookies implanted on the User’s hard drive from other servers.

The user has total freedom to decide whether or not to install the cookies used in in their HDD. The foregoing means that the user can configure their browser to manage the cookies of the websites they browse, either to reject all of them or to receive a warning each time a cookie is received, which will allow them to decide whether or not to implement them.

In the event that the user decides to reject all cookies from , they will still be able to browse The website, however, may experience the absence of any of the functionalities of the page that require the use of a cookie. Even so, the user can eliminate the cookies that have been implanted in their browser.

What do cookies help on this website ?:

  • They allow a correct functioning of the web.
  • Allow you to view videos, photos and in general the content posted by SANTAI.
  • Improve the speed and security of the site.
  • Share pages and content with social networks.
  • Continuous improvement of this website.
  • Show ads based on the user’s browsing habits.

The cookies used on this website do not collect personally identifiable information or sensitive user information, nor do they share identification data with third parties.

3. Third-party cookies used on the website.

As mentioned in the heading of this policy, the website uses third-party cookies to improve the user’s browsing experience. The foregoing may cause some of the cookies that appear on the website to not be specifically detailed in this policy, as they do not depend directly on SANTAI. However, these cookies do not compromise user privacy, as they are used for study and evaluation purposes.

The most used cookies are listed below:

Analysis services: Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to analyze the use that visitors make when entering https : // This application is clearly integrated to measure and analyze what happens on the website. They implement the use of other cookies to track and identify visitors. If you want to know them, consult the corresponding section of your cookie policy of Google, Inc.

WordPress: It is a content management system (CMS) for the creation and maintenance of blogs and web pages. was developed under this system in order to guarantee the user accommodation and interaction with the contents properly developed for . This platform was created by the company Automattic, Inc. In this way, the cookies generated by the WordPress platform are the sole responsibility of Automattic, Inc, they implement the use of other cookies to track and identify visitors. If you want to know them, consult the corresponding section of your Automattic, Inc. cookies policy

Woocommerce: This is a plugin generated by & nbsp; WordPress, created by the company WooThemes, thanks to the application the user can access the payment platforms, online store, workshops and other products of & nbsp; . They implement the use of other cookies to track and identify visitors. If you want to know them, consult the corresponding section of your WooThemes cookie policy.

Stripe: It is an online payment system designed to be directly integrated into the https: // santaihealing website. com/en/ through payment gateways. They implement the use of other cookies to track and identify visitors. If you want to know them, consult the corresponding section of your Stripe cookie policy.

Jackmail: It is a WordPress plugin that & nbsp; allows you to create and send newsletters to web users. They implement the use of other cookies to track and identify visitors. If you want to know them, consult the corresponding section of your Jackmail cookies policy.

Amelia: It is a next generation WordPress plugin plugin for the creation of reservations easily and quickly. They implement the use of other cookies to track and identify visitors. If you want to know them, consult the corresponding section of your Amelia cookies policy.

As mentioned above, the privacy policies of each application or third party depend directly on the configuration that they have established, therefore, in no case the person responsible for that website, nor the advertisers can obtain personal information extracted of those cookies. Once again, the user is recommended to consult the policies of each third party directly, as well as to manage their cookie preferences directly in their browser.

4. Delete cookies

Users who enter can delete and block All the cookies on our site, in case of carrying out this action the programming operation could present failures and the quality of the web could incur failures.

To eliminate cookies according to the browser, follow the following application: & nbsp;

Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Setting. For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or browser Help.

Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom settings. For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or browser Help.

Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, you can consult Google support or browser Help.

Safari: Preferences -> Security. For more information, you can consult Apple support or browser Help.


If the user has any questions about the cookie policy of the website please write to us at the email:

This policy has been approved by SANTAI, on October 05, 2021.


It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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