Terms and Conditions

Dear user: The use of this website, as well as the services it provides through SANTAI HEALING (hereinafter called “THE COMPANY” ), are subject to the following terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as “THE AGREEMENT” ). This agreement will govern the use of all pages on this website (hereinafter referred to as “WEBSITE” ) and any services provided by this website.


Company name: SANTAI CORP.

Tax Identification Number (EIN): 84-3333987.

Registered office: Miami-Dade, Florida.

Email: hello@santaihealing.com

Social activity: Individual and group sessions to impact the personal transformation of users through workshops, meetings and consultancies with a comprehensive approach, encompassing body, mind, soul and spirit.


The parties to which the agreement refers are defined as follows:

  1. THE COMPANY. The creator and operator of the website, who makes the services provided through it available to users.
  2. THE USER. The user of the website.
  3. THE PARTIES. Corresponds to the company and the user, collectively considered within this agreement.


Through the use of the website, the user accepts that they have read and reviewed these terms and conditions, and that they agree with their content, expressing their full and complete consent. The permanence of the user on the website will be understood as their express expression of consent to these terms and conditions. The company will only agree to provide the services contained in the website if the user accepts the agreement.


The user must have reached the age of majority to be able to use the website and the services contained herein. By the sole use of the website, the user acknowledges and accepts that she has reached the age of majority and that she can legally grant her consent in this agreement. The company does not assume, in any case, any legal responsibility in the event that the user is not of legal age, contrary to what is stated by the same.


The company will provide the user with the pertinent information as a result of the use of the services that the website offers. The information may include, but is not limited to, documents, data or information developed by the company, as well as other materials that may be useful for taking advantage of the services provided by the website. By reason of the agreement, the company grants the user an exclusive, limited, non-transferable and revocable license to use the company’s materials only during the connection and / or during the use of the services of the website. The company’s materials may not be used for a purpose other than that described here, nor may they be copied or reproduced on a different platform (physical or digital) and this license ends when the services obtained by the user cease. on the website or at the time of termination of the agreement.


The user accepts that the website and the services provided here by the company are owned by the company, including copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents and other intellectual property rights. The user accepts that the company is the owner of all the intellectual property rights contained in the web page or in the services provided, for which reason it will refrain from using the company’s intellectual property rights for any illicit or fraudulent purpose. The user agrees not to reproduce or distribute the intellectual property rights of the company by any means, including digital and / or electronic means, nor for the registration of new brands, trade names or any similar, without the express and written consent company.

  1. In order to make the services provided by the website available to the user, the latter guarantees the company a worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive license to copy, use, transmit, reproduce and make derivative works of any content that the user publishes or uploads to the website, including, but not limited to, comments, photographs, videos and / or to allow the company to upload said information to the website. The company is not considered the owner of the user’s property rights.
  2. In the event that the user considers that their intellectual property rights have been violated by the company by uploading the information to the website, you should contact the company and let them know.


As a user of the website or the services provided there by the company, you may be required to register as such. At the time of registration, the user may choose a username, which may be email or any similar, as well as a password. Personal information may also be requested, including, but not limited to, the user’s name. The user is responsible for guaranteeing the accuracy and certainty of the information provided to the company. This personal information will allow the user to use the website and the company’s services. The user should not share this information with any third party and if it does happen, he agrees to immediately notify the company in writing; notification can be provided by email. The user is responsible for notifying the company of any changes related to their personal information. Providing false or uncertain information, as well as using the website or the services provided by the company for illegal or fraudulent purposes generates the immediate termination of the agreement.


The user agrees not to use the website or the services provided by the company for any illicit or fraudulent purpose, as well as for any of the purposes described in this clause. The user agrees not to use the website in any way that could harm the website, the services or the company in general.

a) The user agrees not to use the website or services for:

  1. Harass or threaten a third party, as well as violate their rights.
  2. Violate any right derived from the intellectual property of the company or a third party.
  3. Upload or spread any computer virus or any software that may damage or compromise the website.
  4. Perpetrate any fraud.
  5. Associate with, or create, any illegal gambling, lottery or pyramid.
  6. Post or distribute any obscene or defamatory material.
  7. Post or distribute any material that incites hate violence or discrimination against any group.
  8. Gather or accumulate information from third parties, illegally.


The company, through the website and the services, may affiliate with advertising and marketing companies, where the company receives commissions or percentages on the sales of goods or services through the website. The company may also accept advertising and sponsorships or receive any other form of compensation through advertising.


Through the use of the website and the services provided by the company, the user must inform the company of certain information of a private nature. For the sole use of the website, the user authorizes the company to use their information in Colombia, the United States or in any country where it operates.

  1. Information that the company can collect or receive: When the user registers, they will provide a valid email address, as well as their name and billing address. Depending on the frequency and use that the user makes of the website, the company may also receive information from external applications that the user uses to access other websites or may also receive information derived from technology from other websites, such as cookies, log files, among others.
  2. Use of information: the company will use the personal information collected to ensure continuity and a good experience on the website, including communication via email. The company may also track certain passive information received to optimize its marketing or analytical strategies, and for this purpose, it may work with third parties.
  3. Information protection: In case the user wishes to disable access and use of the company on the passive information it receives from other websites and their technologies, you must select the option to disable cookies in your web browser. However, the company will continue to receive information that the user has provided, such as the email address.


The company’s website and services are provided for communication purposes only. The user acknowledges and accepts that any information posted on the website is not qualified nor should it be considered as legal, medical or financial advice and that there is no fiduciary relationship between the company and the user. The user acknowledges and accepts that any purchase made through the website is at their own risk and responsibility. The company does not assume responsibility for alleged advice or similar information that is uploaded to the website.


The company may sell goods and / or services, or allow third parties to do so, through the website. The company is committed to providing accurate and true information about the goods and services, including descriptions and images, if applicable. In any case, the company does not guarantee the adequacy and viability of any product or service offered on the website and the user acknowledges and accepts that any purchase made is at their own risk. For goods and services sold by third parties, the company does not assume any responsibility nor will it provide guarantees about the quality, safety or legality of said goods or services. Any complaint or claim that the user may have against the producer or seller must be processed directly with the third party involved. By means of this agreement, the user releases the company from liability for any complaint or claim that may arise in relation to goods and / or services produced or sold by a third party, including guarantees and the recognition of damages.


MEDIA OBLIGATION. The service provided by THE COMPANY, due to its specialty, is medium and not result, which means that THE COMPANY will be in charge of making information available to the user of value, share the techniques derived from the developed methodology and provide support throughout the process, guaranteeing the quality of its services, however, the success of the process depends solely on the user, as well as on their disposition and delivery.

EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY IN THE EVENT OF AN EVENT . THE USER freely and voluntarily acknowledges that he excludes THE COMPANY from any type of legal liability for any accident or personal injury that may be suffered during and at the facilities where the group session takes place. In accordance with the foregoing, THE USER declares from this moment that he renounces any judicial or extra judicial action against THE COMPANY, which may arise as a result of what is described in this clause.

INFORMED CONSENT. THE USER understands that because during the session dynamics will be worked that will demand a certain physical, mental, spiritual and emotional commitment, such as energy healing, guided meditation, visualization, spiritual guidance and intuitive and conversation, among others, recognizes that he has been informed about the possible side effects that the dynamics could generate, such as possible feelings of sadness, anxiety, confrontation with his emotions, in addition it may also be probable to experience fatigue, pain in head, increase or loss of energy, among other effects that are common to group sessions of this type.

In accordance with the foregoing, THE USER waives from this moment to take any legal action against THE COMPANY, derived from the dynamics carried out during the session.

In harmony with the provisions of the two immediately preceding clauses, THE USER undertakes the obligation to hold THE COMPANY harmless from any judicial or extrajudicial claim and to reimburse them for all expenses incurred on the occasion or as a consequence of these.

The sessions with Santai Healing do not replace any medical, psychological and psychiatric treatment that the client is undergoing, they are a support and guide.

Notice for people located in Florida- United States of America: For users who are located in Florida and have an interest in the services provided including: energy healing, spiritual and intuitive guidance, training or consulting; Currently SANTAI HEALING NO is licensed by the State of Florida as a practitioner of healing techniques.

CONFIDENTIALITY. THE COMPANY informs all users that the data, records and personal information obtained during individual or group sessions will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed at any time by any party. of THE COMPANY, since their sole purpose is to carry out the session successfully and with the quality offered.

It is pertinent to remind users who request virtual sessions carried out through electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, tablets, among others through telecommunications platforms such as Gmail, Hotmail, Skype, Facetime, Zoom, among others; that being mass-use media and different from THE COMPANY, each of them has its own privacy policy and data management therefore, SANTAI HEALING cannot control or be responsible for said treatment.

FREE ASSIGNMENT OF IMAGE RIGHTS IN EVENTS. THE USER expressly accepts that he grants THE COMPANY the right of free use of his images, which may be contained in photographs or videos that are taken during the development of the group session. The images may be used by THE COMPANY for commercial and / or advertising purposes only.

CANCELLATION OF APPOINTMENTS. Since scheduling an appointment implies the reservation of time for the consultant, a minimum notice of twenty-four hours (24) is required, that is, a full day (1) to reschedule an appointment. In the event of failure to notify, full fees will be charged for sessions missed without such notification. No refunds will be made, the consultant may reschedule their appointment again, if the sessions are canceled in accordance with the policy. Telephone or virtual sessions can be offered instead of face-to-face sessions. It should be noted that, if the user cancels the appointment for more than three times, he must reschedule and re-deposit the cost of the consultation.


The user acknowledges and accepts the obligation to make payment for any item purchased on the website, likewise, accepts that prices are subject to change. In the event that the purchase is of a physical good, the user must provide a physical address for delivery, as well as a billing address. The company reserves the right to reject or cancel any purchase order for any reason, including errors or omissions in the information that the user must provide. In the event that a rejection or cancellation occurs after payment, the company will return to the user the value equivalent to the purchase made (without considering the commission or extra charges that the banking entity charges for the transaction, a value that must be assumed by the user). The user acknowledges and accepts that the payment gateways are external and any claim related to the payment methods must be resolved directly with the entity in charge, for which he is advised to visit the website of the payment portal and thus obtain more information. The company may also require additional information from the user in order to confirm the sale and reserves the right to add restrictions to the sale of any product or service. For sales of physical goods made through the website, the company may charge the shipping costs to the card that the user links for the purchase. The user understands that it is their responsibility to monitor their means of payment directly with their bank. Shipping dates and costs are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. For any questions, doubts or suggestions, the user can contact the company at the following email: hello@santaihealing.com


The user agrees not to undertake any of the following actions:

  1. Reverse engineering or attempt against reverse engineering or disable any code or software on the website or the services provided by the company.
  2. Violate the security of the website or the services through unauthorized access, or any maneuver or encryption, or any other security tool, data processing or interference to any domain, user or network.


The company does not assume responsibility for the security and content of the account created by the user, so the user accepts that the use of the website is at their own risk.


The user agrees to defend and indemnify the company and any of its allies or affiliates (if applicable) and to hold it harmless from any legal dispute or demand, including legal fees, that may be derived from the use or disuse of the website or the services provided by the company, the breach of this agreement by the user, as well as their behaviors or actions. The user accepts that the company has the power to choose its legal representative or lawyer, as well as to formulate its defense strategy.


The user acknowledges and accepts the total prohibition of using the website or any of the services provided by the company for any illegal spam activity, including the collection of personal information or email addresses of third parties or to send mass emails commercial content.


The company may occasionally post links that lead to other third-party websites or other services. The user agrees that the company is not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of the use of a third party website.


The company may modify this agreement at any time and without prior notification to the user. The user accepts that the company has the right to modify this agreement or to revise its content. The user also acknowledges and accepts that all changes made to the agreement are valid automatically as soon as it is loaded on the web page and that the new agreement will replace any old version thereof, except for matters that are not specifically modified. in the new agreement.

  1. In the event that any of the subsequent modifications to this agreement is declared invalid or ineffective, the user accepts that the immediately previous version will have full validity and binding force.
  2. The user is You agree to monitor the agreement and be guided by the date it was posted, which you can find on the last page. Likewise, you agree to clean your browser’s cache when monitoring the agreement, in order to avoid accessing an old version. The user accepts that the continuity in the use of the website on his part constitutes express acceptance of any modification of the agreement.
  3. In the event that the user, by his own will, does not monitor or review the modifications to this agreement, you acknowledge and accept that said omission is understood as the manifestation of the right you have to monitor or review the modifications.


These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the use of the website. This agreement supersedes, in whole or in part, any other prior agreement, written or verbal, in relation to the use of the website.


The company may interrupt the service or access to the website to carry out maintenance or emergency maneuvers, with or without prior notice. The user acknowledges and accepts that their browsing or access to the website may be affected by interruptions without prior notice, for any reason, and likewise acknowledges that the company will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused during said interruption.


The duration of the agreement is considered indefinite, however, the company may terminate the agreement at any time and for any reason. The company specifically reserves the right to terminate the agreement if the user violates any of the terms agreed therein, including, but not limited to, violating the intellectual property rights of the company or of a third party, breach of legal obligations, publication or distribution of illegal material, among others. If you have registered as a user, you may also terminate the agreement at any time by contacting the company and requesting termination. After the termination of the agreement, any stipulation that by its nature survives the termination, will continue to have legal effects.


The content of the website is of a general nature, provides pertinent information related to the service provided by the company, but the latter is not responsible for any damages that may be caused by using the information provided by means of the service, unless said information has been clearly provided with the intention of damaging the user. Due to the fact that at present the technical means available do not guarantee the non-interference of the action of third parties in the pages published on the Internet, the company does not guarantee the accuracy or veracity of all or part of the information contained in the website, nor its update, nor that said information has been altered or modified in whole or in part, after being included in the web page, nor any other aspect or characteristic of the information provided through the page or through the links eventually included in it.

The company excludes, to the extent permitted by applicable legislation, any liability for damages of any kind arising from:

a) The inability to access the website or the lack of veracity, accuracy and / or timeliness of the content, as well as the existence of vices and defects of all kinds of the transmitted content , disseminated, stored, made available to those who have been accessed through the website or the services offered in a traditional way or by electronic means (online).

b) The presence of viruses or other elements in the content that may cause alterations in computer systems, electronic documents or user data.

c) Failure to comply with laws, violation of good faith, public order, traffic uses and this agreement of terms and conditions as a result of incorrect use of the website . The User agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the company, its employees and / or its subsidiaries (the indemnified ones) against any claim, expense, liability, loss, cost and damage, including attorneys’ fees, in the incurred by the Indemnified in relation to a use of the web page, or any of the web pages with hyperlinks on the page, that is not allowed or that does not fit the purposes pursued by the company or that derives from the content that the user has provided.


The provision of the website service and the present terms and conditions of use thereof, as well as the particular ones that may be established, are governed by the applicable law in the United States, specifically that of the state of Florida. The Internet pages, their design and graphic presentation are protected by the provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976 of the United States of America and in general by international treaties on the matter. In the event of disputes arising from the terms and conditions included in this document, which are not resolved amicably within a term of 15 business days from the first claim of any of the parties, the user and the company agree to submit to conciliation and / or arbitration in the Conciliation and Arbitration Center defined by the company.


In the event that any of the stipulations in this agreement is declared ineffective or invalid, this will not be understood in any case as the ineffectiveness or invalidity of the other stipulations contained in the agreement, which will continue in full force.


The user understands that by using the website or the services provided by the company, no contractual relationship is in fact created similar to agency, partnership, joint venture or any other contracts. Neither party to this agreement has the power to assume obligations for the other party.


All notifications and communications between the user and the company will be considered effective, for all purposes, when made via email: hello @ santaihealing. com

Date: 05-10-2021

Covered website: https://santaihealing.com/wp-core/wp-coreen/


It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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