
The Chakras are energy centers located in our body, their function is regular & nbsp; the energy they absorb from the Universe, called prana or vital energy, it enters the body through oxygen and is distributed throughout the body through respiration.

Chakra comes from Sanskrit, it means “wheel or circle”; have been known in oriental cultures, according to the customs and the region they were called in different ways. Beyond mystical beliefs, each culture understood the power of the Chakras in human beings.

The energy centers are found throughout the spine, from the tailbone to the head, they are connected to the different endocrine glands of the organism, studies have discovered that each one has a “small brain”, hormones, chemistry and the own conscience of him. In this way the Chakras vibrate at a certain frequency, transmitting information according to the coherence and balance in which each energy center is located.

The Chakras are open to receive the most powerful energy in the Universe: “Love” a feeling that is expressed to satisfy our needs, but if some area of ​​the system-body-mind is is blocked, the energy stops and therefore stagnates, turning into disease or negative manifestation towards the outside.

Therefore, it is important to understand the power of energy in our lives , many people come to think that matter and the physical body is the only thing that is real as it is what is perceptible to their senses and reason, forgetting that the physical body is intertwined by an energy system within and around itself.

According to Hinduism, together with the physical body is the subtle or etheric body , this energy is made up of a very fine, immaterial substance, attached to the physical body, and can be affected by my emotions .

According to the sacred writings of Hinduism, upon death the subtle bodies “do not decompose”, but remain and travel to another physical body, generating another existence or birth, transferring the emotional memory or karma into the subtle body. As mentioned by Antoine Lavoisier when considering the principle of conservation of energy: “Energy is not created or destroyed, it is only transformed.” The Chinese and Japanese know a similar system of energy channels that they call meridians; From the knowledge of these meridians, acupuncture was developed. The energy centers are under the control of the Nervous System, this is part of the limbic brain and its job is to automatically take care of the harmony and balance of the body.

The body’s energy system is made up of three main components:

  1. The energy body. & nbsp;
  2. The chakras or energy centers.
  3. The nadis or energy channels.

The first two explained above, now, the word Nadi comes from Sanskrit and means channel, tube, vessel, artery or vein.

The Nadis conduct the prana or vital energy through the non-material energy system. The energy flows through the subtle body through these channels, there are more than seventy-two thousand (72,000) energy channels or Nadis located throughout the body, it can be compared with the Circulatory System, they would be like the veins of the astral body or a a kind of nervous system of the subtle body, connecting the centers or chakras that would become its main organs of operation.

There are three main channels through which vital energy passes in our subtle body:

  1. Sushumna (central vein).
  2. Ida (left vein).
  3. Pingala (right vein).

Why is it important to understand energy centers?

It is significant to learn to slow down and regulate brain waves in order to reprogram the Autonomous Nervous System and thus raise energy, because by taking coherence with the chakras, diseases or imbalances that come from the lack of coherence between the thought system (mind), the body (organism) and energy (subtle body).

Who am I? What are my gifts and talents? What forces act on me? What hidden capacities are there in me? How can I potentiate all my creative and happiness power?

These are questions that when the knowledge of the energy centers is expanded, the mission and function of each one, it is understood how man has in his hands the potential to create and manifest his reality.

What are the seven main energy centers or Chakras?

1. Root chakra

Characteristics: It is related to the glands or sexual organs, there the connection with Mother Earth, security, stability and the ability to overcome learnings.

Element: Earth.

Color and number of petals : Four red petals.

Name in Sanskrit : Muladhara.

Location : Base of the spine or tailbone.

Symptoms of imbalance: Self-centeredness, lack of money, waste, depression, distraction, instability, constipation, anemia, fatigue, lower back pain, knee problems, poor circulation, bone problems, thyroid and tonsil imbalance.

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: release of tensions from the body and mind, self-confidence, control of desire, physical-emotional health, financial stability.

2. Sacral or sexual chakra

Characteristics: It is related to the digestive glands, it is responsible for creative sexual energy and psychological – emotional processes such as relationships with others, flow with life and eroticism.

Element: Water.

Color and number of petals: Six orange petals.

Name in Sanskrit: Svadhisthana.

Location: Belly area.

Symptoms of imbalance: Rejection of pleasure, lack of sensitivity, depression, eating disorders, anxiety, fear, talking too much and incoherently, alcohol and drug abuse, vaginal infections, urinary problems, impotence and frigidity, asthma or allergies, problems with the kidneys, bladder, prostate and sexual organs .

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: Endurance, patience, detachment from carnal pleasures, wisdom in the management of sexual energy.

3.Solar plexus chakra

Characteristics: It is related to the adrenal glands, being responsible for confidence, self-esteem, personality development and feeling in control with life. It is the chakra of the intellect, will, identity, humor and sense of self.

Color and number of petals : Ten yellow petals.

Sanskrit name: Manipura.

Element : Fire.

Location: Stomach area.

Symptoms of imbalance: Nervousness, digestive system problems, spleen, back, ulcers, diabetes, parasites, hypoglycemia, poor memory, constipation, toxicity, colitis.

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: Personal power, control of fame, willpower.

4. Heart chakra

Characteristics : Related to the thymus gland, lungs, rib cage and back. Represents the ability to love and be loved, forgive, show compassion, sympathy, share or support as well as hope and devotion, it is characterized by the ability of self-control and self-acceptance.

Name in Sanskrit: Anahata.

Color and number of petals: Twelve green petals.

Element: Air.

Location: Center of the chest.

Symptoms of imbalance: Emotional closure, muscle tension, loneliness, sadness, low self-esteem, heart and breathing disorders, cancer, immune system problems, chest pain, high blood pressure, passivity, instability .

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: Unity of consciousness, balance in relationships, acceptance by others and by oneself, spiritual, divine realization, connection with the energy of love for the everything and everyone.

5. Throat chakra

Characteristics: Linked with the thyroid and parathyroid glands, lungs, neck, throat, vocal cords and jaw, ability to express oneself from the energy of love, trust, humility, organization and planning, using energy creatively.

Color and number of petals: Ten and six blue petals.

Name in Sanskrit: Vishudda.

Element: Ether.

Location: Throat

Symptoms of imbalance : Hormonal disorder, problems in the mouth, neck, tongue, jaw, and shoulders, blocked creativity, thyroid imbalance, hyperactivity, pre-menstrual syndrome, mood swings and menopause, hyperthyroidism, flu.

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: Expression of being in harmony, capacity for creative artistic development, living in unity, spiritual elevation.

6. Third eye chakra

characteristics : Associated with the pituitary gland, intuition, imagination, the development of abilities, talents and the inner senses, introspection, self-realization, mental control, strength.

Color and number of petals: Two indigo petals.

Sanskrit name: Ajna.

Element: Supreme and light.

Location: Between the eyes.

Symptoms of imbalance: Sleep disorder, inability to create new ideas, visual impairment, numbness, coordination and learning problems, disbelief, confused thoughts, headache.

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: Transcendental meditation, awakens the sixth sense, activation of intuition, awakening of consciousness, power through inner knowledge, extrasensory perception.

7 . Crown chakra

Characteristics: Associated with the pineal gland, perfection, knowledge and spiritual connection with yourself with others and with the Universe through introspection, transcends attachments and the physical body. & nbsp; < / p>

Color and number of petals: One thousand violet petals.

Name in Sanskrit: Sahasrara.

Element: Nothingness. & nbsp;

Location: Top of the head.

Symptoms of imbalance: Depression, rigidity with personal beliefs, little opening of the mind to the new, mental disorder, headaches, male and female imbalance, epilepsy, coordination problems and in the blood vessels, varicose veins, skin allergies, senile neuralgia, tumors, pressure in the skull.

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: You discover your life purpose, unity with the absolute, liberation of the mind, expansion of consciousness, inspiration, illumination.

Finally, attention and meditation is very important & nbsp; in each of these energy centers, remember that where you put your attention you put your energy and you give it & nbsp; vital force, & nbsp; Become aware of the importance of balancing your emotions in order to generate coherence in your life .

With love,

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


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