Brain and Thought Chemistry!

The way we learn, think, imagine or feel is a process guided by the brain, this organ is in charge of supporting perception through the senses and then being the channel that transmits the information to our systems or organs; & nbsp; is neuroscience the discipline in charge of studying how the human brain works from the cognitive, behavioral and the responses it has in the body.

The brain is made up of three fundamental systems for its activity, among them, the Reptile Brain (reactive), Limbic (emotional) and Neocortex (rational). Understanding them is a process of self-knowledge, by understanding the function that each one fulfills, human beings could feel, think and act in a more directed way.

  1. The Reptile Brain or System : Its location is between the brain and the spinal cord, it controls survival, regulating basic and instinctive functions such as respiration, digestion or sexual behaviors; It is the most primary of all, it acts impulsively from the basic needs of the human being, here beliefs, habits, addictions and reactions are established, it is there where resistance to change or the so-called comfort zone is generated.
  2. The o Limbic Brain: Located in the internal part of the brain, due to its anatomy it connects with pathways of the Nervous System that direct the five senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch). This brain regulates emotions, desires, feelings and how we relate to the other; It is also connected with learning from experiences, thanks to this system the human being has the ability to recognize information that is pleasant or that generates pain. There are memories and cooperates when sending signals to the body at a chemical and hormonal level to regulate the functions in all systems of the human body.
  3. The system or Neocortex Brain: This system is the most predominant, it is the brain in charge of controlling thought, common sense, language, logic, reason and voluntary movements, which are independent of the emotions and behaviors programmed by our genetics; there the right and left hemispheres of the brain are divided. It is characterized by finding the gray matter, it also connects us with consciousness.

Understanding this information, for a moment close your eyes and imagine a situation that you like (being on the beach or on an ecological walk, taking a nap, enjoying a good chocolate, a wine or a series, hugging or kissing someone you love).

That way it works, For this illustrative case, the brain generates signals of peace and balance to your mind and body, similar to what happens in a meditative state, causing positive reactions that benefit your physical and emotional health, all interconnected from the brain, neurotransmitters or chemical signals that travel between the nerve connections and the blood; By making these processes conscious, you will be able to perceive your emotions and reactions, thus you will relate better with the environment that surrounds you, being able to make more conscious decisions and actions.

Neurotransmitters (Nervous System) and hormones (Endocrine System) are key to secrete and transport chemical substances to the human body, generated in the brain through the information that comes from interactions with the environment, thanks to the senses. It is very important to know these processes so that the body is in balance and thus avoid alterations in our systems or organs; it all starts from awareness of information.

Stress response anatomical scheme with body inner reaction outline concept. Hormonal process with symptoms and description when ACTH, cortisol and adrenaline flows in bloodstream vector illustration.

The brain has the ability to send signals to the body, these are neurotransmitters and hormones, an example is cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands (they are close to the kidneys), characterized by generating stress due to external factors, causing disorders that affect body homeostasis, causing alteration of the immune system and inflammation which lowers defenses, creating a body environment conducive to diseases.

There is also adrenaline, this is a neurotransmitter hormone that maintains alertness in the body (by survival mechanism), which it does is alter body regulation, causing processes in the Nervous System such as anxiety and physiological variations, due to increased heart rate and blood sugar levels to be able to take action in case of threat; here it is best to reduce this hormone and when you wake up, choose to become aware of the emotions that cause them to counteract its effects.

As a recommendation, being aware of your perceptions, emotions and sensations makes the brain attentive and happier, by applying the present state you will be able to focus and have control of your life to make more conscious decisions based on empathy, coherence, love, balance, well-being, happiness and the state of being.

Choosing to look for wellness centers or complementary therapies (Meditation, yoga, acupuncture, aromatherapy, music therapy, art therapy, halotherapy, alternative medicine, massages, reflexology, among others) can be an excellent option for your brain to naturally generate hormones of well-being and balance.

Dopamine. closeup presynaptic axon terminal, synaptic cleft, and dopamine-receiving nerve and dopamine-producing cells. Labeled diagram. Vector illustration for educational, biological, medical, and scientific use

Create new neural pathways for a happier life, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins, They are the best natural remedies to implement in your daily habits.

  1. Dopamine: It is sent by the brain through the bloodstream to the body when there is well-being, love, motivation, energy or moments of euphoria. It is called the substance of love.

Tips to release it:

  • Love and attraction for your partner
  • Laughter, joy and self-confidence.
  • Exercise -development of a hobby.
  • Give thanks for a daily achievement.
  1. Oxytocin: It is the hormone of compassion, kindness, fidelity and attraction, thanks to it, we receive the first food of life: breast milk, it is characterized for being a very powerful neurotransmitter since it activates pleasure mechanisms in the brain, which encourages repeating the actions or situations that generate these sensations.

Tips to release it:

  • Create bonds of love and friendship.
  • Share with family and children.
  • Create environments where trust prevails.
  • Give hugs.
  • Meditate.
  • Give an offering to someone who needs it.
  1. Serotonin: It is the hormone responsible for regulating sleep, moods, appetite and sexual instinct.
  2. Be grateful for three blessings a day.
  3. Connect with nature at least once a week.
  4. Create spaces where you feel full and happy.
  5. I sleep for seven to eight hours.
  6. Endorphins: They are hormones of happiness, they help reduce pain.
  7. Music & nbsp; (Singing, dancing)
  8. Create spaces where you connect with your senses (a good dinner, create a romantic space with your partner, among others)
  9. Smile at life several times a day.

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


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