G-Breath breath

Respiration as a physiological function is an innate mechanism in living beings, without it there would be no life, through this process the exchange of gases is regulated, obtaining the necessary oxygen for the correct functioning of the organism and cells.

Respiration in humans consists of inspiration (inhalation) and expiration (exhalation) , in the first the air flows into the lungs and in the second it is expelled out. Being an automatic process, one is not aware of the breath, here it is essential to understand how a conscious breath complements the process of connection, healing and inner balance.

In this way, techniques such as Gamma Breathing (G-Breath) developed by Cory Herter , allows the release of a substance called DMT (N-DimethylTriptamine) in the brain, thanks to it a state of deep relaxation is achieved and go to Theta brain wave , obtaining a meditative moment of complete peace and connection with the Universe.

 How to practice Gamma breathing (G-Breath)? 

Ideal to reprogram beliefs, heal memories and negative emotions transforming them to love; It is recommended to do this breath in times of stress, sadness, confusion or simply when you long for a response and connection with your Higher Self. & nbsp;


At the first prompt inhale and at the second prompt exhale:

  • Mouth Mouth, Mouth Nose, Nose Nose, Nose Mouth, Mouth Mouth.
  • Mouth Nose, Nose Nose, Nose Mouth, Mouth Mouth.
  • Mouth Nose, Nose Nose, Nose Mouth, Mouth Mouth.

Note: With this three-time breathing sequence, you will feel the energy that enters through your Crown Chakra circulating throughout your body. < / p>

After the breathing sequence, visualize in your mind a beam of white light that enters through your Crown Chakra , purifying, cleansing your mind and every part of your body from head to toe. & nbsp;

According to scientific studies, it is estimated that human beings have about sixty thousand thoughts (60,000) a day, most of them are negative, repetitive or from the past, for this reason it is important to enter a meditative state. & nbsp;

Go ahead and practice!

You will get great changes, correct breathing is the basis to connect with your Higher Self.

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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