The energy of love

Love is light… It illuminates whoever gives it and receives it

Albert Einstein

On various occasions you hear people referring to love as something trivial and at the moment, there is a phrase that says: “Love is a word that many lips speak and few hearts feel.” In recent times love has become fashion, (I love my car, house, wallet, my friend, my food, among others); many humans deliberately mention it without understanding the immense power that this force, carries, is the most powerful in the Universe, as Jesus demonstrated when he came to Earth to teach his power, leaving a transforming message that few understood: connect with the Divinity to through the magic of Love.

No scientist has been able to explain what God is, who or what created life in its immense abundance; different cultures and religions have tried to find an answer to this unknown, finding divine interpretations that for science remain a mystery. My process of awakening of consciousness and activation of gifts has been through Love and forgiveness, this has made me understand that God is a source of Love and information that transforms everything …

Connect with the energy of Love …

In the nature of the human being there is a receptor incorporated into the Pineal Gland or Epiphysis through this gland, (Crown Chakra) we receive energy that naturally transforms into a certain frequency, according to our beliefs, thoughts and emotions.

In the process of transformation of the Being, it is very important constant introspection or the direction of a guide to help you discover your deepest emotions, since from the mother’s womb we bring information into the subconscious of anger, fear, insecurities, traumas, emptiness and a number of negative emotions that prevent you from connecting with the energy of Love, Like this vital energy it can also be blocked by pollutants in the environment, food or respiration of chemicals and metals such as Cadmium, Lead or Mercury and in the electromagnetic field, without forgetting the bad ones daily habits.

Every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause, nothing exists by chance, without a cause, chance would destroy the Universe, Einstein said that God does not play to the dice. It is for this reason that we live in a game of emotions and information, where the human being’s job is to transcend the Universal Laws, achieving balance through Tachyon Energy, the energy of Love.

Love and Tachyon Energy

Nikola Tesla, scientist, inventor and electrical engineer, in several of his studies concluded that al rearranging the constituent particles of energy produce changes in the manifested mass; He explained that Tachyon Energy affects subatomic structures in an orderly way, aligning molecular structures, harmonizing vital energy, and weakening disturbing (negative) fields. Tesla mentioned tachyon fields in the late 19th century and used this energy in some of his inventions.

According to Enrique Monís, a tachyon researcher, he says that it is omported as an encouragement of existence, it is an energy that invites growth, development and manifestation in all areas, such as the human being and the human being. system. The tachyon helps to connect and regain balance as it nourishes, revitalizes the energy fields that surrounds living beings and thus preserves health.

The tachyons, (Greek for high speed) the source of the dual Universe; They are composed of pairs of subatomic particles in constant motion that, having an opposite electrical charge, cancel out and balance each other, using the neutron, therefore they do not have polarity (it is a neutral charge) and do not generate resistance, they can move through matter, they travel twenty-seven (27) times faster than the speed of light in vacuum, is the energy with the highest frequency and vibration in the Universe; An element composed of these particles that vibrate at a very high frequency becomes weightless, its mass ceases to weigh, it is pure energy.

Tachyon Energy today studied by quantum mechanics, says that subatomic particles have no mass, they have a tendency to exist, they are measured in probabilities depending on the will of the observer and the mental plane of man, however the quantum mechanics and superconductivity are a very recent advance in physics, this together with what explains Einstein’s Theory in which the maximum speed of light is three hundred thousand (300,000) kilometers per second, it only applies to one of the constituent planes of reality, to the physical plane of material density, made up of atoms, electrons and protons, but the Universe has three planes: physical, mental and spiritual; Ancient civilizations are said to have known all this and much more that has not been discovered.

Jesus achieved extraordinary events or the so-called “Miracles” , by vibrating in this very high frequency of Love, he demonstrated that the mind can direct the Tachyon Energy, the energy of thought that unites all things, the conscious energy , information energy such as that generated and handled by man in his brain with the process of his thoughts when vibrating in Love.

The energy of Love in ancient cultures

In various readings and studies they have mentioned how ancient cultures knew the power of tachyon energy, the Egyptians, Essenes, Cathars, Sufis, Incas, and Mayans understood the energy of Love as tool to reach the highest understanding and superior connection, in the same way, they mentioned that with Tachyon Energy these civilizations They built the Egyptian pyramids, fulfilling other higher functions, among them moving very heavy objects, being assigned to hierarchs or teachers with greater vibration and connection with said energy, additional Those who managed to defy the laws, vibrating in Love, were able to move between dimensions, quiet their mind, activate their gifts and talents.

The Egyptians received intense preparation after the age of 21 in order to raise their consciousness to the higher dimensions of reality, achieving within them high states of vital energy in vibration of Love, awakening telepathy and the ability to perceive the electromagnetic field that each human being produced around his body. They added meditation to their practices, connecting with the information field, managing to live in peace and harmony, respecting the existing by understanding that everything is alive and interconnected, the vibration experienced became permanent.

There is no doubt that man can reach his highest power of connection with the cosmos thanks to the great tachyon force. It is important to remember that everything in the Universe vibrates at different frequencies, depending on its evolutionary level (human beings, elements of nature, material elements, among others).

In the same way, achieving our goals in balance and harmony requires an inner work where we raise our frequency to Love and thus be able to connect with our true Divine essence.

More revelations…

The Universe has two energy poles: Love and fear; Love has a very high frequency of vibration, on the contrary to fear it is very low; beings with little evolution of consciousness have verified little information and they vibrate low, pain, fear and uncertainty predominate in their lives.

On the contrary, the beings that receive and accept information as part of their learning have evolved, with the result of their decisions and actions, gradually raising their vibrational frequency and vital energy, learning to respect, not to blame, to live in peace and harmony. By having more verified information, they have the ability to adapt the meaning of Love in their lives, vibrating in its frequency to enjoy the sky of life with greater certainty. Heaven is found in those who remain in a high vibration of Love. By having practices and habits of internalization or healing, entering high vibration frequencies new senses are awakened such as greater connection with the Divine Source, It is key to understand that life is a process of verification of information through experiences in one’s own flesh where “man only becomes a super man through Love”.

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


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