According to research from the University of Lund in Sweden, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), the processes of learning and memorizing information are a neural activity in charge of learning that consumes a lot of energy. When the brain learns a certain association, some neurons that act as a brake on the learning mechanism are activated, creating automated behavior habits, acquired by repetition, this is how the brain saves energy; For greater understanding we will give the example of driving a car, brushing teeth or dressing, these are mechanisms that when learned do not need to think about themselves but are established as repetitive habits and are carried out automatically. (Think for a moment of all the energy the brain would use up if every day of our lives we drove like the first day).

The heart beats, the lungs breathe and our joints walk involuntarily saving effort and energy, so the brain stops consciously thinking about basic behaviors.

In the same way, programming of unconscious beliefs operates, from one to seven years old, human beings acquire stimuli from the environment (phrases, words, conversations, assimilation of habits and style life), learned from our relatives and social environment, being repetitive experiences and sensations in childhood, the brain records and creates routes of behavior, attitudes, aptitudes, emotions and beliefs, when we grow these beliefs end up directing our life and the decision making in the workplace, social, family and sentimental.

Understanding the brain, neurons, thinking and beliefs.

The functioning of the human mind involves the activity of the nervous system, mainly the brain, this is responsible for controlling the functions of the body and the nervous system, it is a network that sends messages to the whole body through the spinal cord that starts from the base of the skull, descending down the back through nerves in the form of filaments that branch out to the other organs and parts of the body.

The brain has small cells called neurons, very important for the functioning of our nervous system, they are the messengers of our body, they are the ones that help to recognize the information in the brain and then send the response to the body; it is estimated that there must be around one hundred billion neurons in our nervous system; These transmit signals to other neurons through electrical impulses called synapses.

Proceso de sinapsis 

Neurons are made up of three parts:

The dendrites: They are extensions that are born from the body or soma, they make up a kind of branches similar to those of a tree, they are responsible for capturing the neurotransmitters produced by the nearest neuron, as well as sending the chemical information to the body of the neuron to make it electrically activated.

2. The dendrites: They are extensions that are born from the body or soma, they make up a kind of branches similar to those of a tree, they are responsible for capturing the neurotransmitters produced by the nearest neuron, as well as sending the chemical information to the body of the neuron to make it electrically activated.

3. The axon: It is a unique tube that arises from the body of the neuron; Unlike dendrites, it does not accept information, but is directed to transmit it to other neurons through receptors.

The specialized molecules that carry signals across synapses are called neurotransmitters. The amount of these signals and their path through the brain determine what we perceive, think, feel, and do. Neurotransmitters make one neuron connect with another forming neural networks, the connection of neural networks between them form thoughts and these in turn form beliefs, becoming habituated to patterns or habits of behavior.

Understanding genetic information and beliefs

Thoughts are activated from unconscious beliefs or behavioral habits and influence decision-making, actions or physical reactions, by understanding it, the manifestation of your thoughts together with emotion will be your day to day and you will attract positive or negative consequences to your life; human beings have the ability to change habits, vices, fears and diseases, according to the information we record in the brain, we are responsible for feeding fear or love and changing our reality.

In the creation of neural networks , fifty percent is inherited through the previous four lineages to parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents, this means that genetically half of the percentage of our neural networks corresponds to ancestors, the other fifty percent corresponds to perceived beliefs up to seven years old, since the brain of the newborn has an immense collection of neurons and pathways with plastic properties prepared for the reception of any kind of language and all kinds of sensory information, structuring the individual referential system and personal emotionality, forming beliefs, ideologies and ethical values.

In the child’s mind, the construction of neural networks is important since sensory perceptions clearly depend on the environment from childhood, they still do not have mature cognitive capacity, it is around nine years that the child begins to have the possibility of thinking, reasoning, modifying and even changing habits inherited by the family, that is why many times we become adults making decisions as children.

Biologists from the University of Wisconsin mention how genes are related to the environment in which they develop, that is why if we want to change genes, what we have to do is change the environment and the genes will change, in this way the information permeates the environment in the development of the human being, so it is key to understand that the information that we bring in our bodies and our DNA is part of an inherited or shared process, in the case of the brain, thought patterns are acquired not only from parents but also from ancestors.

By understanding programs inherited, you perceive the history of your lineage, remember that we are ancestors, inheritance, we are gestation (we come programmed from the womb), we are our childhood and from then on what you experience.

The emotion comes from an unconscious belief, this belief is in the DNA, it is key cellular information to understand why you have fears or thoughts that alter your body, your actions and reactions that end up creating your Destiny.

Study the functioning of the brain human is a very important process to perceive the way you think, act and feel, in this way the process of identifying and reprogramming beliefs is more practical when starting the path of inner healing.

You have the power to manifest the life you long for, not understanding how you take decisions or act, Your inherited belief system will continue to control your life and create what you know as the future.

The invitation is to reprogram and imagine if you were doing a mental cleaning of your brain, in this way, you will begin to bring into your life the true beliefs worked from love, vibrating high and in balance.

With love,

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.

Why is it important to understand energy to manifest our reality?

You may wonder what is the relationship of energy with the awakening of consciousness or transmutation processes on a personal level, here lies the importance of understanding and applying this concept in our life, human beings we have the ability to transform our own energy and produce changes in our personality and physical reality.

These changes include a life partner, financial abundance, inner peace, spiritual connection, or harmonious interpersonal relationships; We can manifest everything we imagine by being creators of our life.

To understand the terminology, it will be exemplified from a quantum-physical context, energy being understood as the ability of bodies to carry out work, move or produce a change in the environment. Emotions and thoughts are the product of energy. Everything that surrounds us, such as living beings and objects in our environment, is made up of atoms made up mostly of empty space, these atoms are linked by energy.

The human being, including his consciousness, is the result of chemical and electrical interactions of a large number of atoms and these in turn are made up of 99.99999 percent of energy, 0.00001 percent constitutes matter. We are energy condensed in a moving body.

The atom is the smallest structure of matter, it contains protons (with a positive electric charge), electrons (with a negative electric charge) and neutrons ( without charge). Protons and neutrons are in the center of the atom forming the nucleus and electrons are in the crust, surrounding the nucleus. All living matter, including humans, is made up of atoms.

Atoms form molecules and these in turn cells, human beings are a set of cells that have energy in their nucleus, for this reason when you heal your energy, the center of each of your cells does too. “By healing our energy, we heal our biology.” The above is essential to understand that we are made up of subatomic particles such as atoms (negative charge, positive charge and neutral), there is an immense relationship with the Law of Attraction, we are magnetic and energetic beings that attract and create our reality.

Within this subatomic particle there are all your dreams, desires and desires (money, goods, health, love, emotional and material freedom) , reflecting everything you hope for and also what you don’t, such as living in scarcity, bitterness, poverty, illness, emotional dependence, instability, among others. Ask yourself what you are currently attracting into your life.

Conscious energy

There are different energy levels, the densest you can see, an example of this would be the Earth, which is heavier, then water and air, that become lighter and finally the light, which is more subtle. These elements have a frequency and a vibration that cannot be modified, unlike the human being, having consciousness & nbsp; we manage to change our vibrational frequency and transform our energy.

In the Universe everything is mechanical, consciousness is the highest vibration, allows us to realize what we are, what we feel, think, do and have; mind has a higher frequency than thought and & nbsp; The brain is only a receiving and transmitting organ, as well as a cell phone, which processes the information it receives or contains and we can see, feel and hear it to take it into action.

Energy is handled with will, controlling our thoughts and emotions & nbsp; it makes the difference of being conscious or not conscious, when we become conscious we begin to know ourselves, we use the energy in our favor to transform ourselves into balanced beings of love.

Don’t forget the main thing, take care of your body, exercise it, feed it healthy because it is the vehicle of the mind as well as the brain, so the thoughts will work in accordance and the emotions will be able to balance.

Life is more than a body or a material medium, remember that we are pure energy with frequencies and vibrations, do not stop making constant introspection of your thoughts and emotions, since these create your reality. & nbsp;

Our reality is what we observe

The ” Double slit experiment” by English scientist Thomas Young, & nbsp; has shown how by observing the infinite particles of an atom, the behavior of energy and matter is altered. This phenomenon is known as “Observer Effect”.

To contextualize, Imagine that we have a wall with & nbsp; slits, at a certain distance a screen is located that serves as a detector. There is a device that launches marbles, waves or electrons in various directions and these are the right size to cross the slits. There are different phenomena:

  1. If there are only one or two slits open and marbles start to be thrown, (they are made of matter) as a result the marbles will hit right in front of the slits they pass through.
  1. If you test with waves instead of marbles, when they reach the double slit, an interference pattern is identified with many fringes projected on the screen.
  1. When launching electrons, which are bits of matter (subatomic particle of the atom), it would be believed that the same result will be obtained from the two bands; by surprise, when conducting the experiment like waves, it forms an interference pattern with many fringes projected on the screen. We explain this in the following way: each electron comes out as a particle, becomes a wave of possibilities, passes through the two slots and intervenes with itself until it hits the wall as a particle. There are multiple projection possibilities when crossing the slit.

The most surprising thing was when the physicists put a measuring device (the observer) next to the screen of the two slots to observe which the electron passed through, when launched, it behaved like a marble, drawing a pattern of two stripes and not an interference pattern like it had done before.

The observer made the electron act differently as if he was aware that it was being observed. Understanding the above, it is explained what happens with the Observer effect in our lives, because when we imagine something it becomes a reality in the quantum field that is in potential for it to happen.

The mind acts as an observer and has the power to shape energy and organize an infinite number of subatomic waves of probability in a given situation, being able to achieve our goals and make changes in our lives , we must pay attention to the focus of our mind because if it is based on fear, negativity, resentment, we could cancel the infinite and wonderful possibilities of the Universe and obtain a unique and particular result that will not favor positively.

The invitation is to learn to be observers of our reality , in this way the life we ​​long for will be manifested, understanding that everything is made up of atoms (pure energy) we have the power to shape energy to our benefit , with greater focus and determination, remembering that the information is in our mind and consciousness in order to transform the energy around us.

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transforming subconscious beliefs, connecting gifts and talents, integral energetic healing of past lives and present life.

Respiration as a physiological function is an innate mechanism in living beings, without it there would be no life, through this process the exchange of gases is regulated, obtaining the necessary oxygen for the correct functioning of the organism and cells.

Respiration in humans consists of inspiration (inhalation) and expiration (exhalation) , in the first the air flows into the lungs and in the second it is expelled out. Being an automatic process, one is not aware of the breath, here it is essential to understand how a conscious breath complements the process of connection, healing and inner balance.

In this way, techniques such as Gamma Breathing (G-Breath) developed by Cory Herter , allows the release of a substance called DMT (N-DimethylTriptamine) in the brain, thanks to it a state of deep relaxation is achieved and go to Theta brain wave , obtaining a meditative moment of complete peace and connection with the Universe.

 How to practice Gamma breathing (G-Breath)? 

Ideal to reprogram beliefs, heal memories and negative emotions transforming them to love; It is recommended to do this breath in times of stress, sadness, confusion or simply when you long for a response and connection with your Higher Self. & nbsp;


At the first prompt inhale and at the second prompt exhale:

Note: With this three-time breathing sequence, you will feel the energy that enters through your Crown Chakra circulating throughout your body. < / p>

After the breathing sequence, visualize in your mind a beam of white light that enters through your Crown Chakra , purifying, cleansing your mind and every part of your body from head to toe. & nbsp;

According to scientific studies, it is estimated that human beings have about sixty thousand thoughts (60,000) a day, most of them are negative, repetitive or from the past, for this reason it is important to enter a meditative state. & nbsp;

Go ahead and practice!

You will get great changes, correct breathing is the basis to connect with your Higher Self.

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.

The Chakras are energy centers located in our body, their function is regular & nbsp; the energy they absorb from the Universe, called prana or vital energy, it enters the body through oxygen and is distributed throughout the body through respiration.

Chakra comes from Sanskrit, it means “wheel or circle”; have been known in oriental cultures, according to the customs and the region they were called in different ways. Beyond mystical beliefs, each culture understood the power of the Chakras in human beings.

The energy centers are found throughout the spine, from the tailbone to the head, they are connected to the different endocrine glands of the organism, studies have discovered that each one has a “small brain”, hormones, chemistry and the own conscience of him. In this way the Chakras vibrate at a certain frequency, transmitting information according to the coherence and balance in which each energy center is located.

The Chakras are open to receive the most powerful energy in the Universe: “Love” a feeling that is expressed to satisfy our needs, but if some area of ​​the system-body-mind is is blocked, the energy stops and therefore stagnates, turning into disease or negative manifestation towards the outside.

Therefore, it is important to understand the power of energy in our lives , many people come to think that matter and the physical body is the only thing that is real as it is what is perceptible to their senses and reason, forgetting that the physical body is intertwined by an energy system within and around itself.

According to Hinduism, together with the physical body is the subtle or etheric body , this energy is made up of a very fine, immaterial substance, attached to the physical body, and can be affected by my emotions .

According to the sacred writings of Hinduism, upon death the subtle bodies “do not decompose”, but remain and travel to another physical body, generating another existence or birth, transferring the emotional memory or karma into the subtle body. As mentioned by Antoine Lavoisier when considering the principle of conservation of energy: “Energy is not created or destroyed, it is only transformed.” The Chinese and Japanese know a similar system of energy channels that they call meridians; From the knowledge of these meridians, acupuncture was developed. The energy centers are under the control of the Nervous System, this is part of the limbic brain and its job is to automatically take care of the harmony and balance of the body.

The body’s energy system is made up of three main components:

  1. The energy body. & nbsp;
  2. The chakras or energy centers.
  3. The nadis or energy channels.

The first two explained above, now, the word Nadi comes from Sanskrit and means channel, tube, vessel, artery or vein.

The Nadis conduct the prana or vital energy through the non-material energy system. The energy flows through the subtle body through these channels, there are more than seventy-two thousand (72,000) energy channels or Nadis located throughout the body, it can be compared with the Circulatory System, they would be like the veins of the astral body or a a kind of nervous system of the subtle body, connecting the centers or chakras that would become its main organs of operation.

There are three main channels through which vital energy passes in our subtle body:

  1. Sushumna (central vein).
  2. Ida (left vein).
  3. Pingala (right vein).

Why is it important to understand energy centers?

It is significant to learn to slow down and regulate brain waves in order to reprogram the Autonomous Nervous System and thus raise energy, because by taking coherence with the chakras, diseases or imbalances that come from the lack of coherence between the thought system (mind), the body (organism) and energy (subtle body).

Who am I? What are my gifts and talents? What forces act on me? What hidden capacities are there in me? How can I potentiate all my creative and happiness power?

These are questions that when the knowledge of the energy centers is expanded, the mission and function of each one, it is understood how man has in his hands the potential to create and manifest his reality.

What are the seven main energy centers or Chakras?

1. Root chakra

Characteristics: It is related to the glands or sexual organs, there the connection with Mother Earth, security, stability and the ability to overcome learnings.

Element: Earth.

Color and number of petals : Four red petals.

Name in Sanskrit : Muladhara.

Location : Base of the spine or tailbone.

Symptoms of imbalance: Self-centeredness, lack of money, waste, depression, distraction, instability, constipation, anemia, fatigue, lower back pain, knee problems, poor circulation, bone problems, thyroid and tonsil imbalance.

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: release of tensions from the body and mind, self-confidence, control of desire, physical-emotional health, financial stability.

2. Sacral or sexual chakra

Characteristics: It is related to the digestive glands, it is responsible for creative sexual energy and psychological – emotional processes such as relationships with others, flow with life and eroticism.

Element: Water.

Color and number of petals: Six orange petals.

Name in Sanskrit: Svadhisthana.

Location: Belly area.

Symptoms of imbalance: Rejection of pleasure, lack of sensitivity, depression, eating disorders, anxiety, fear, talking too much and incoherently, alcohol and drug abuse, vaginal infections, urinary problems, impotence and frigidity, asthma or allergies, problems with the kidneys, bladder, prostate and sexual organs .

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: Endurance, patience, detachment from carnal pleasures, wisdom in the management of sexual energy.

3.Solar plexus chakra

Characteristics: It is related to the adrenal glands, being responsible for confidence, self-esteem, personality development and feeling in control with life. It is the chakra of the intellect, will, identity, humor and sense of self.

Color and number of petals : Ten yellow petals.

Sanskrit name: Manipura.

Element : Fire.

Location: Stomach area.

Symptoms of imbalance: Nervousness, digestive system problems, spleen, back, ulcers, diabetes, parasites, hypoglycemia, poor memory, constipation, toxicity, colitis.

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: Personal power, control of fame, willpower.

4. Heart chakra

Characteristics : Related to the thymus gland, lungs, rib cage and back. Represents the ability to love and be loved, forgive, show compassion, sympathy, share or support as well as hope and devotion, it is characterized by the ability of self-control and self-acceptance.

Name in Sanskrit: Anahata.

Color and number of petals: Twelve green petals.

Element: Air.

Location: Center of the chest.

Symptoms of imbalance: Emotional closure, muscle tension, loneliness, sadness, low self-esteem, heart and breathing disorders, cancer, immune system problems, chest pain, high blood pressure, passivity, instability .

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: Unity of consciousness, balance in relationships, acceptance by others and by oneself, spiritual, divine realization, connection with the energy of love for the everything and everyone.

5. Throat chakra

Characteristics: Linked with the thyroid and parathyroid glands, lungs, neck, throat, vocal cords and jaw, ability to express oneself from the energy of love, trust, humility, organization and planning, using energy creatively.

Color and number of petals: Ten and six blue petals.

Name in Sanskrit: Vishudda.

Element: Ether.

Location: Throat

Symptoms of imbalance : Hormonal disorder, problems in the mouth, neck, tongue, jaw, and shoulders, blocked creativity, thyroid imbalance, hyperactivity, pre-menstrual syndrome, mood swings and menopause, hyperthyroidism, flu.

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: Expression of being in harmony, capacity for creative artistic development, living in unity, spiritual elevation.

6. Third eye chakra

characteristics : Associated with the pituitary gland, intuition, imagination, the development of abilities, talents and the inner senses, introspection, self-realization, mental control, strength.

Color and number of petals: Two indigo petals.

Sanskrit name: Ajna.

Element: Supreme and light.

Location: Between the eyes.

Symptoms of imbalance: Sleep disorder, inability to create new ideas, visual impairment, numbness, coordination and learning problems, disbelief, confused thoughts, headache.

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: Transcendental meditation, awakens the sixth sense, activation of intuition, awakening of consciousness, power through inner knowledge, extrasensory perception.

7 . Crown chakra

Characteristics: Associated with the pineal gland, perfection, knowledge and spiritual connection with yourself with others and with the Universe through introspection, transcends attachments and the physical body. & nbsp; < / p>

Color and number of petals: One thousand violet petals.

Name in Sanskrit: Sahasrara.

Element: Nothingness. & nbsp;

Location: Top of the head.

Symptoms of imbalance: Depression, rigidity with personal beliefs, little opening of the mind to the new, mental disorder, headaches, male and female imbalance, epilepsy, coordination problems and in the blood vessels, varicose veins, skin allergies, senile neuralgia, tumors, pressure in the skull.

Effects of meditation on balance and coherence: You discover your life purpose, unity with the absolute, liberation of the mind, expansion of consciousness, inspiration, illumination.

Finally, attention and meditation is very important & nbsp; in each of these energy centers, remember that where you put your attention you put your energy and you give it & nbsp; vital force, & nbsp; Become aware of the importance of balancing your emotions in order to generate coherence in your life .

With love,

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.

The way we learn, think, imagine or feel is a process guided by the brain, this organ is in charge of supporting perception through the senses and then being the channel that transmits the information to our systems or organs; & nbsp; is neuroscience the discipline in charge of studying how the human brain works from the cognitive, behavioral and the responses it has in the body.

The brain is made up of three fundamental systems for its activity, among them, the Reptile Brain (reactive), Limbic (emotional) and Neocortex (rational). Understanding them is a process of self-knowledge, by understanding the function that each one fulfills, human beings could feel, think and act in a more directed way.

  1. The Reptile Brain or System : Its location is between the brain and the spinal cord, it controls survival, regulating basic and instinctive functions such as respiration, digestion or sexual behaviors; It is the most primary of all, it acts impulsively from the basic needs of the human being, here beliefs, habits, addictions and reactions are established, it is there where resistance to change or the so-called comfort zone is generated.
  2. The o Limbic Brain: Located in the internal part of the brain, due to its anatomy it connects with pathways of the Nervous System that direct the five senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch). This brain regulates emotions, desires, feelings and how we relate to the other; It is also connected with learning from experiences, thanks to this system the human being has the ability to recognize information that is pleasant or that generates pain. There are memories and cooperates when sending signals to the body at a chemical and hormonal level to regulate the functions in all systems of the human body.
  3. The system or Neocortex Brain: This system is the most predominant, it is the brain in charge of controlling thought, common sense, language, logic, reason and voluntary movements, which are independent of the emotions and behaviors programmed by our genetics; there the right and left hemispheres of the brain are divided. It is characterized by finding the gray matter, it also connects us with consciousness.

Understanding this information, for a moment close your eyes and imagine a situation that you like (being on the beach or on an ecological walk, taking a nap, enjoying a good chocolate, a wine or a series, hugging or kissing someone you love).

That way it works, For this illustrative case, the brain generates signals of peace and balance to your mind and body, similar to what happens in a meditative state, causing positive reactions that benefit your physical and emotional health, all interconnected from the brain, neurotransmitters or chemical signals that travel between the nerve connections and the blood; By making these processes conscious, you will be able to perceive your emotions and reactions, thus you will relate better with the environment that surrounds you, being able to make more conscious decisions and actions.

Neurotransmitters (Nervous System) and hormones (Endocrine System) are key to secrete and transport chemical substances to the human body, generated in the brain through the information that comes from interactions with the environment, thanks to the senses. It is very important to know these processes so that the body is in balance and thus avoid alterations in our systems or organs; it all starts from awareness of information.

Stress response anatomical scheme with body inner reaction outline concept. Hormonal process with symptoms and description when ACTH, cortisol and adrenaline flows in bloodstream vector illustration.

The brain has the ability to send signals to the body, these are neurotransmitters and hormones, an example is cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands (they are close to the kidneys), characterized by generating stress due to external factors, causing disorders that affect body homeostasis, causing alteration of the immune system and inflammation which lowers defenses, creating a body environment conducive to diseases.

There is also adrenaline, this is a neurotransmitter hormone that maintains alertness in the body (by survival mechanism), which it does is alter body regulation, causing processes in the Nervous System such as anxiety and physiological variations, due to increased heart rate and blood sugar levels to be able to take action in case of threat; here it is best to reduce this hormone and when you wake up, choose to become aware of the emotions that cause them to counteract its effects.

As a recommendation, being aware of your perceptions, emotions and sensations makes the brain attentive and happier, by applying the present state you will be able to focus and have control of your life to make more conscious decisions based on empathy, coherence, love, balance, well-being, happiness and the state of being.

Choosing to look for wellness centers or complementary therapies (Meditation, yoga, acupuncture, aromatherapy, music therapy, art therapy, halotherapy, alternative medicine, massages, reflexology, among others) can be an excellent option for your brain to naturally generate hormones of well-being and balance.

Dopamine. closeup presynaptic axon terminal, synaptic cleft, and dopamine-receiving nerve and dopamine-producing cells. Labeled diagram. Vector illustration for educational, biological, medical, and scientific use

Create new neural pathways for a happier life, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins, They are the best natural remedies to implement in your daily habits.

  1. Dopamine: It is sent by the brain through the bloodstream to the body when there is well-being, love, motivation, energy or moments of euphoria. It is called the substance of love.

Tips to release it:

  1. Oxytocin: It is the hormone of compassion, kindness, fidelity and attraction, thanks to it, we receive the first food of life: breast milk, it is characterized for being a very powerful neurotransmitter since it activates pleasure mechanisms in the brain, which encourages repeating the actions or situations that generate these sensations.

Tips to release it:

  1. Serotonin: It is the hormone responsible for regulating sleep, moods, appetite and sexual instinct.
  2. Be grateful for three blessings a day.
  3. Connect with nature at least once a week.
  4. Create spaces where you feel full and happy.
  5. I sleep for seven to eight hours.
  6. Endorphins: They are hormones of happiness, they help reduce pain.
  7. Music & nbsp; (Singing, dancing)
  8. Create spaces where you connect with your senses (a good dinner, create a romantic space with your partner, among others)
  9. Smile at life several times a day.

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.

Love is light… It illuminates whoever gives it and receives it

Albert Einstein

On various occasions you hear people referring to love as something trivial and at the moment, there is a phrase that says: “Love is a word that many lips speak and few hearts feel.” In recent times love has become fashion, (I love my car, house, wallet, my friend, my food, among others); many humans deliberately mention it without understanding the immense power that this force, carries, is the most powerful in the Universe, as Jesus demonstrated when he came to Earth to teach his power, leaving a transforming message that few understood: connect with the Divinity to through the magic of Love.

No scientist has been able to explain what God is, who or what created life in its immense abundance; different cultures and religions have tried to find an answer to this unknown, finding divine interpretations that for science remain a mystery. My process of awakening of consciousness and activation of gifts has been through Love and forgiveness, this has made me understand that God is a source of Love and information that transforms everything …

Connect with the energy of Love …

In the nature of the human being there is a receptor incorporated into the Pineal Gland or Epiphysis through this gland, (Crown Chakra) we receive energy that naturally transforms into a certain frequency, according to our beliefs, thoughts and emotions.

In the process of transformation of the Being, it is very important constant introspection or the direction of a guide to help you discover your deepest emotions, since from the mother’s womb we bring information into the subconscious of anger, fear, insecurities, traumas, emptiness and a number of negative emotions that prevent you from connecting with the energy of Love, Like this vital energy it can also be blocked by pollutants in the environment, food or respiration of chemicals and metals such as Cadmium, Lead or Mercury and in the electromagnetic field, without forgetting the bad ones daily habits.

Every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause, nothing exists by chance, without a cause, chance would destroy the Universe, Einstein said that God does not play to the dice. It is for this reason that we live in a game of emotions and information, where the human being’s job is to transcend the Universal Laws, achieving balance through Tachyon Energy, the energy of Love.

Love and Tachyon Energy

Nikola Tesla, scientist, inventor and electrical engineer, in several of his studies concluded that al rearranging the constituent particles of energy produce changes in the manifested mass; He explained that Tachyon Energy affects subatomic structures in an orderly way, aligning molecular structures, harmonizing vital energy, and weakening disturbing (negative) fields. Tesla mentioned tachyon fields in the late 19th century and used this energy in some of his inventions.

According to Enrique Monís, a tachyon researcher, he says that it is omported as an encouragement of existence, it is an energy that invites growth, development and manifestation in all areas, such as the human being and the human being. system. The tachyon helps to connect and regain balance as it nourishes, revitalizes the energy fields that surrounds living beings and thus preserves health.

The tachyons, (Greek for high speed) the source of the dual Universe; They are composed of pairs of subatomic particles in constant motion that, having an opposite electrical charge, cancel out and balance each other, using the neutron, therefore they do not have polarity (it is a neutral charge) and do not generate resistance, they can move through matter, they travel twenty-seven (27) times faster than the speed of light in vacuum, is the energy with the highest frequency and vibration in the Universe; An element composed of these particles that vibrate at a very high frequency becomes weightless, its mass ceases to weigh, it is pure energy.

Tachyon Energy today studied by quantum mechanics, says that subatomic particles have no mass, they have a tendency to exist, they are measured in probabilities depending on the will of the observer and the mental plane of man, however the quantum mechanics and superconductivity are a very recent advance in physics, this together with what explains Einstein’s Theory in which the maximum speed of light is three hundred thousand (300,000) kilometers per second, it only applies to one of the constituent planes of reality, to the physical plane of material density, made up of atoms, electrons and protons, but the Universe has three planes: physical, mental and spiritual; Ancient civilizations are said to have known all this and much more that has not been discovered.

Jesus achieved extraordinary events or the so-called “Miracles” , by vibrating in this very high frequency of Love, he demonstrated that the mind can direct the Tachyon Energy, the energy of thought that unites all things, the conscious energy , information energy such as that generated and handled by man in his brain with the process of his thoughts when vibrating in Love.

The energy of Love in ancient cultures

In various readings and studies they have mentioned how ancient cultures knew the power of tachyon energy, the Egyptians, Essenes, Cathars, Sufis, Incas, and Mayans understood the energy of Love as tool to reach the highest understanding and superior connection, in the same way, they mentioned that with Tachyon Energy these civilizations They built the Egyptian pyramids, fulfilling other higher functions, among them moving very heavy objects, being assigned to hierarchs or teachers with greater vibration and connection with said energy, additional Those who managed to defy the laws, vibrating in Love, were able to move between dimensions, quiet their mind, activate their gifts and talents.

The Egyptians received intense preparation after the age of 21 in order to raise their consciousness to the higher dimensions of reality, achieving within them high states of vital energy in vibration of Love, awakening telepathy and the ability to perceive the electromagnetic field that each human being produced around his body. They added meditation to their practices, connecting with the information field, managing to live in peace and harmony, respecting the existing by understanding that everything is alive and interconnected, the vibration experienced became permanent.

There is no doubt that man can reach his highest power of connection with the cosmos thanks to the great tachyon force. It is important to remember that everything in the Universe vibrates at different frequencies, depending on its evolutionary level (human beings, elements of nature, material elements, among others).

In the same way, achieving our goals in balance and harmony requires an inner work where we raise our frequency to Love and thus be able to connect with our true Divine essence.

More revelations…

The Universe has two energy poles: Love and fear; Love has a very high frequency of vibration, on the contrary to fear it is very low; beings with little evolution of consciousness have verified little information and they vibrate low, pain, fear and uncertainty predominate in their lives.

On the contrary, the beings that receive and accept information as part of their learning have evolved, with the result of their decisions and actions, gradually raising their vibrational frequency and vital energy, learning to respect, not to blame, to live in peace and harmony. By having more verified information, they have the ability to adapt the meaning of Love in their lives, vibrating in its frequency to enjoy the sky of life with greater certainty. Heaven is found in those who remain in a high vibration of Love. By having practices and habits of internalization or healing, entering high vibration frequencies new senses are awakened such as greater connection with the Divine Source, It is key to understand that life is a process of verification of information through experiences in one’s own flesh where “man only becomes a super man through Love”.

Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


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