My ego:

My inner child

What comes to mind when you think of your ego?

In general, the ego is a concept that has carried a negative connotation in society, it is normal to hear phrases such as: “The ego must be eliminated” , “How to dominate or transcend the ego” , “We must diminish the ego” ; believing that everything that comes from the ego affects us in a negative way, forgetting its true essence.

Have you ever wondered what it is that makes you different from others and gives you identity?

What motivates you to look beautiful or handsome, buy a suit, go to a restaurant or enjoy all the benefits of the Universe? Everything is manifested by the ego, thanks to it you externalize wealth, love, happiness (when you connect with your Inner Being). As well as lack, poverty, sadness or fear (due to unconscious beliefs).

The ego is linked to the subconscious mind and is genetically programmed from the mother’s womb, the beliefs of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and the environment where the personality develops are formed in our DNA, these beliefs are what the ego protects and from them are derived the situations that arise day after day.

All situations and experiences in your life are programs stored in the subconscious . The lack of conscience causes the inner child to direct decisions according to beliefs. Cells store all the information of our life and of our ancestors.

What should we do with
our inner child?

Reconcile, love, embrace and speak to your ego every day of your existence, teaching it and explaining why the past beliefs were implanted, reminding it of the new ones; healing and reprogramming the information found in your cellular memory is key to synchronizing with money, love, sex with love, spiritual connection, emotional balance and everything you long for.

When I learn to communicate with my ego, I can transform any situation to love, since the ego is my inner child that the only thing it does is protect the information that was recorded from the mother’s womb.

"An ego well educated
in beliefs is our
greatest blessing"

I want to remind you that you can continue to enjoy our content made with a lot of love so that your awakening of consciousness is clearer and when it comes to identifying your beliefs you can understand the origin and thus be more practical so that start the path of inner healing and true manifestation.

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Creator of Santai Healing. She is an expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


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