How to manifest your Desires

Practical guide to manifest your desires

Do you want to see changes in your life and start manifesting your desires?

Here you will find a step by step for you to discover the true magic in your life.

1. It is important to be clear about your desire

Organize your ideas, be concrete and concise with any dream you have. Remember that your desire must be aligned with the energy of love, for your own and humanity’s benefit, so that it manifests in blessing, peace and harmony. Exercise: Describe in as much detail as possible what you desire.

Exercise: Describe in as much detail as possible what you want.



The color, the brand, the model, the year, how many doors, the date of purchase and everything you want in it.


Ask yourself where you want it, how many rooms it has, important characteristics for you and when do you see it materialized.


How much do you want, in which bank account do you view it and for what date.


Be clear about the destination, who you want to go with, the date, among others.

Business or job

Identifying what you want to do, how much you want to earn, where you want your company or where you want to work, it is important to assign a time limit to achieve this goal.

Sentimental relationship

First you have to love yourself, accept yourself as you are, with your strengths and weaknesses; To attract the person you desire, you must become that person, since you attract by the Law of Vibration. Describe that person just as you want them to be (physically, emotionally, spiritually, among others).

2.Identify limiting beliefs

In general, we have desires that contradict our unconscious programming, for this reason it is essential to identify the beliefs that prevent the manifestation of our desires in order to reprogram them.

At the beginning it is important to be accompanied by a guide, through a consultation, to guide you how to do it. In silence you can practice introspection, discovering emotions and identifying subconscious beliefs, the most important thing is that you have the humility to face your shadows, heal them and transform them from love.

You will be able to discover your limitations since all your beliefs are hidden in the subconscious mind, being the mind more difficult to access, its importance lies in the fact that the unconscious directs your life without you noticing it, when you bring your emotions to balance and reprogram your beliefs In a positive way, your desires are manifested. For more information click here.

How to manifest your Desires
How to manifest your Desires
3. Goal plan

Every year it is important to make a list of your goals with established dates, to develop the action plan for their achievement. Write down the goals in present tense, using positive phrases, avoid negative words or the future tense.


  • Incorrect: “I don’t want to be poor”.

  • Correct: “I am abundant and prosperous”.

Remember that the word has power and activates the magic in your life.

4. Physical map of dreams

You can design it using cut-out or printed images, keeping your wishes and dates very clear. Remember: Use clear and concrete words and images, without thinking about how your goal will manifest, ask the Universe for what you want, repeat it every day, the Universe responds to your thoughts and your imagination in coherence with what you say and feel.

How to manifest your Desires
How to manifest your Desires
5. Visualization

Visualize yourself in first person, YOU! Feeling all the sensations and experiencing the emotion of the desire already achieved, visualize the person, the situation or the desire in a real way, living it with a feeling of abundance, happiness, peace, love and gratitude.

6. Gratitude

Thanking every day, feeling your wishes already achieved, is MAGICAL since when you thank you transmit a very powerful energy to the Universe and it responds positively to this feeling.

How to manifest your Desires
How to manifest your Desires
7. Activate the sexual energy

In human beings everything is energy and sexual energy is creative, it is vital force, specialists describe it as a key to open doors. It is related to money, it is not only genitality, it is found in everything created, this is how we are all born thanks to this energy, we can always access it to create from a dinner, a business, a hobby or a relationship with love, among others, everything contains sexual energy from self-love and healthy self-esteem.

Reconcile with your sexual energy, discover beliefs, fears or unconscious rejections towards sex. Accept and love your sexuality since it is the power of creation. Using this energy in an intelligent way turns on your inner light that generates attraction towards the dreams that are in your mind and in your heart.

8. Balance masculine and feminine energy

Regardless of your gender, if you are are a man or a woman, all human beings have feminine and masculine energy.

The feminine energy: It is the energy of the “BEING”, it is concentrated in the inside and the transformation, it is passive and receptive, a person with unbalanced feminine energy has a life with many unrealized dreams, it is difficult for them to do something to achieve it, it cannot act on its own, it needs the action of masculine energy. The feminine principle is intuitive, it generates new concepts, thoughts or ideas, it is imagination and creativity.

Male energy: It is a stronger energy, when people possess it, they are generally more insensitive, risky, competitive, independent and cannot bear losing, many times they do not measure the consequences. The masculine principle is action, it expresses and materializes what is created in the mind.

With the above, it is important to identify what energy predominates in my way of acting, to bring both to balance, it is key to potentiate and materialize your desires.

How to manifest your Desires
How to manifest your Desires
9. Elevate your mental and physical energy

Maintaining the energy with enthusiasm is essential to manifest your desires, since with low energy you cannot create in a positive way, implementing healthy habits such as exercise, eating (food that nourish your brain), meditation, breathing and positives relationships (people that be aligned with your purpose) are keys to the manifestation from love and well-being, put aside bad habits and old customs.

If you are looking for different results, don’t always do the same thing

Albert Einstein

10. Live in the present

Reconcile with your past, understanding that the future is another present moment to live, remember that your mind and your beliefs determine the future. Learn to taste, enjoy and delight every present moment of your life.

How to manifest your Desires
How to manifest your Desires
11. Release control

Trust, faith and trust must remain, even if you do not have immediate results or difficulties arise, remember that behind each situation there is a learning towards the achievement of your goal. “It is your teacher.” The Universe can fulfill everything you want, it knows the way and the perfect time for you.

12. Synchronicity

When you apply these steps, surprisingly you begin to see the signals and connect with the magic of synchronicities. The Universe conspires in your favor and you can no longer stop what you created.

How to manifest your Desires


The Law of Attraction is to complement all things”

I want to remind you that you can continue enjoying our content made with a lot of love so that your awakening of consciousness is clearer and when it comes to identifying your beliefs you can understand the origin and thus be more practical so that you start the path of inner healing and the true manifestation.

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The structure of the human mind

Creator of Santai Healing. Expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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