The Law of Attraction

“What you think, you will be.
What you feel, you will attract
What you imagine, you will create"

The Universe is made up of high-low, positive-negative vibrations. When thinking, feeling and speaking, it is attracted according to the vibratory frequency in which we find ourselves, it is energy that vibrates at a certain speed, when generating thoughts, feelings and words desires are expressed, hence emotional intensity is a step to radiate, attract and manifest people in more concrete situations, remembering that the similar is attracted.

There can be creation from fear, every word, emotion and thought will be manifested by the Universe, no matter how strong your fear is, you will attract it.

The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction

On the other hand, love has a powerful and indestructible force, it is the true feeling that gives magic and life to our manifestations.

Every word we decree must be accompanied by sentiment. Neville Goddard, a scholar of the philosophical current of the New Thought of the 20th century, demonstrated that the key to creating is feeling, that is the importance of healing our beliefs that come from fear, negativity and distrust to transform them to love.

Faith and trust must be molded in our inner work, Jesus said: “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”; By faith we understand that the Universe was created with the word, Christian teachings prove it. God said: Let there be the Earth, the sea, the animals, the man… And the word became flesh… It is a clear example of the power of the word united with faith, materializing what is thought and felt.

Another example is the creation from the ego or from my Higher Self, when it is done from the ego we create it tied to our subconscious beliefs regarding love, money, sex, spirituality, among others. These beliefs were implanted in the subconscious from transgenerational experiences, the womb and childhood, directing our reality.

The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction

To emanate positive thoughts to the Universe, we must first rethink our limiting beliefs that prevent us from applying the Law of Attraction to our lives.

Wayne Dyer used to say:
‘’We don't attract what we want, but what we are”.

The Universe is abundant, when a tree bears fruit it does so in large quantities, as well as the birds that fly in the sky, the fish that abound in the sea, the stars that illuminate the sky, wild animals and their daily food (they eat in quantity without worrying about tomorrow), the fields flourish and nature turns green, in short, the message of the Universe is: INFINITE ABUNDANCE!

Man, due to his limiting beliefs, suffers and lives in scarcity, whether it be physical, emotional, material or spiritual.

An excellent exercise is the daily practice of powerful affirmations accompanied by positive emotions from love, gratitude, joy, faith, worthiness, light and truth. Consciously changing beliefs through constant introspection is the key to making your wishes come true.

“Ask and it will be given to you, knock, and the door will be opened to you, all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive”


Prosperity consciousness brings a deep feeling of abundance, love, joy, peace, confidence, releasing fear and scarcity; So, start believing in yourself, get out of your comfort zone and take your deepest desires into action, recognizing that you are a creator and that the Universe has multiple possibilities, when you take action and focus, new paths open up, You have the key that opens the doors to all the dreams and desires of your heart, begin to experience magic in your life, the only limitation is your mind, when you discover yourself you will find a creator being of infinite abundance.

The Law of Attraction


is my natural


I want to remind you that you can continue enjoying our content made with a lot of love so that your awakening of consciousness is clearer and when it comes to identifying your beliefs you can understand the origin and thus be more practical so that you start the path of inner healing and the true manifestation.

You can continue with the text: How to manifest your Desires

Creator of Santai Healing. Expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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