The Mirror Law

“what you deny

submits you, what you accept

transforms you"

Carl Gustav Jung
The Mirror Law has four key points to highlight:

Everything that bothers, irritates or I want to change about the other is inside me.


What the other criticizes or judges, if it bothers or hurts me, is repressed, being necessary to work with that on me.


If the other criticizes, judges or wants to change me, without affecting me, it belongs to them.


What which I like, admire and love about the other, is found in me.

The Mirror Law

It teaches the projection of the interior, an example is the positive or negative feelings that are transmitted in the moments in which we feel anger or admiration, we find a mirror when observing in the person what I must transform or exalt in myself. We are responsible for our beliefs and emotions. By having negative feelings towards the other a mirror is reflected to observe in it what I must transform in myself, exemplifying the above, anger towards the other is taken as a reference, in reality I am feeling it with me, everything begins and ends in me. The same happens when appreciating a positive impression, showing from admiration what I have inside.

The Mirror Law

Examining how much the actions of others bothers me, in my family, significant other, friends, social environment, work, among others, is essential to understand that it is the reflection of those negative emotions that are manifested in me and is what I must transform . Thanks to this analysis, awareness is made, transcending criticism, judgment and resentment towards the people around me.

When constant and conscious introspection is carried out, healing our emotions, there is freedom, what previously bothered me about the other, automatically stops bothering and what generated negative feelings (resentment, impatience, anger, frustration, envy, anxiety, jealousy, among others) stops manifesting, it disappears because it has been healed in me.

Practical exercise!

A very valuable exercise is to visualize the people who cause me negative feelings, imagining them in front of us, developing a dialogue of reconciliation, love and forgiveness or writing a letter releasing everything that is inside and that affects our evolution, in the end , burn the letter and deliver it to Mother Earth, she will be in charge of transforming those emotions to love. Finally thank these people because they are your true teachers.

If you want to know more
about the previous exercise

I want to remind you that you can continue enjoying our content made with a lot of love so that your awakening of consciousness is clearer and when it comes to identifying your beliefs you can understand the origin and thus be more practical so that you start the path of inner healing and the true manifestation.

You can continue with the text: The Law of Attraction

Creator of Santai Healing. Expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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