The seven
universal laws

Just as there are laws on Earth, there are also laws in the Universe, several examples show it; you are driving, you decide to cross the red traffic light, and if you are observed by a police officer or traffic officer, they will stop you and give you a ticket; If you steal or kill and the police catch you, you go to jail. The Church refers to the Ten Commandments and Seven Sacraments. The Government is established by rules and laws, as are schools, universities, among other institutions.

The Universe is also based on the fulfillment of the Universal Laws, by not doing so there will be consequences; There are more than one hundred Universal Laws, in essence seven stand out, becoming aware of them, knowing them and applying them will lead you to acquire total mastery in life, managing to transform your being, manifesting your desires on a spiritual, emotional and physical level.

The seven Universal Laws were written by Hermes Trismegistus, which means in Greek “The Egyptian wise man three times great”, he is credited with the creation of Hermeticism, an ancient science from which Alchemy, Astrology, magic and all occult knowledge come from. Since five thousand years ago in ancient Egypt and Greece these laws were taught. Four thousand years later they transcribed the seven Laws into a manuscript called The Kybalion (19th century) by an anonymous group called “The Three Initiates.”

Three of the seven Universal Laws are immutable, eternal, they cannot be modified. The other four can be changed on a personal level, creating positive realities and perceptions in different areas of our life.

What are the seven

Universal Laws?

Law of Mentalism


The Universe is mind, there is a universal consciousness, an infinite intelligence, from which everything that exists manifests itself, what we choose to think, speak, believe and feel is what is externalized in our life, thought emanates magnetic currents similar to a ray of light that connects with the Universe, manifesting our beliefs. With the mind we can create everything, for this reason, it is essential to start reprogramming our subconscious beliefs in order to speak, think and feel in full consciousness and emotional coherence.

Law of Correspondence

“As it is above, it is below; as it is below, it is above; as it is inside, it is outside ”

This Law declares the understanding of what happens in the inner world, we only have to observe what is manifested around, between the physical, mental and spiritual planes, there is a correspondence, since the Laws that govern the Universe, also govern each ones inner universe. A person who lives chaos in their mind will find a lot of conflict around them. It is important to understand the projections from the outside, as they are linked to the emotions and beliefs that are inside, when we change, so does our environment. It is ideal to introspect every day to positively transform limiting beliefs and thus see reflected the environment in which we long to live.

Law of Vibration


Nikola Tesla said: “If you want to understand the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. In the Universe everything vibrates, according to the vibration you be at, you will attract people, love, sex, money, business, situations and everything that represents you. Each body emits energy that vibrates at different frequencies. “Similar energies are attracted”.

The highest frequency the love one, the lowest is the hate one. It is important to identify the vibrations that are emitted through emotions and words on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. From acts and feelings, human beings act according to programs recorded in the subconscious, implanted from the womb and transgenerational experiences, influencing what is attracted, if these programs limit our achievements and desires, it is important to reprogram them once identified.

Law of Polarity


The Universe is dual, everything has two poles, everything has its pair of opposites, the similar and the antagonistic are the same, the opposites are identical in nature, differing only in level, the extremes always meet, black-white, the good -the evil, the Ying-the Yang, the day- the night, the negative-the positive, the list of opposites is infinite, everything that begins, ends, what goes up, goes down, what seems opposite is the extreme of the same thing, duality operates in the physical and mental world, not in the spiritual one.


As an example, you could think of a person with a strong character and a person with a weak character, they are the same; an impulsive person and a passive person are the same, each one is at one extreme and the opposites attract.

When you have the ability to transform emotions from negative to positive, transmutation occurs, this is the basis of Sacred Alchemy: Change and transform my life towards love.

“The mission of the human being is to bring all emotions into balance”

Law of Rhythm

“Poco has logrado, si no has logrado conquistarte a ti mismo”

There are two planes of consciousness: the upper and the lower, one acts from enthusiasm or decay, falling and getting up, sometimes one is in very high states of mind, at other times sad and with low energy. It is observed in financial cycles, in our life in general, without knowing that the Law of Rhythm is obeyed; there are periods of advance and retreat, rise and fall, everything ebbs and flows, we live in a roller coaster of ups and downs. This Law teaches that the world flows like a pendulum in continuous swing.

Jesus, Buddha, the great initiates gave us a message: “Happiness does not depend on your circumstances but on your mental state”, being able to see in each learning the “what for” and not the “why”, since the universe is information, therefore So much everything that bothers us or causes me pain and suffering is just a message of something that I should work in my inside.

The true purpose is to awaken consciousness, to transform our emotions, reprogram subconscious beliefs and thus get out of the ups and downs of our feelings.

Law of Cause and Effect


Every cause originates an effect, nothing happens “by chance”, from the actions in this life and in past lives, the events and learnings in my present life develop. The phrase: “you reap what you sow” relates to the importance of being responsible with our thoughts, decisions and actions. “Acting from love, the effect will be love“.

For people who believe in reincarnation, this Law is the foundation, what was not resolved in past incarnations, is repeated in this life until learning is transcended. You can ascend beyond the plane of causes and effects, mentally reaching the higher plane, that is when the character and the environment that surrounds us is mastered.

"Everything you take from the Universe, the Universe takes from you."

Law of gender


Gender comes from generating, creating, everything contains its masculine and feminine principle, positive and negative, two opposites that complement each other. In the Universe everything revolves around these two realities: spirit and matter.

Sexual energy is not just genitality, it is a force that is in everything we create. It is found in the sexual act with love, when we prepare a delicious dinner, when we dress up, when we look in the mirror and we feel beautiful, when a business is created and it is successful, in dance, painting; In all that there is creation there is the masculine and feminine principle, creative sexual energy.

Human beings, regardless of gender, have masculine energy and feminine energy; the feminine principle receives impressions or stimuli, generates new thoughts, concepts, ideas, it is the imagination. The masculine principle is to express these ideas, to materialize what is created with the mind.

It is magical when you learn to give and receive with love, identifying what energy predominates in our way of being to carry out an inner process and bring them to balance, it is the basis for manifesting desires, not from the ego but from my Higher Self. By learning and applying the seven Universal Laws you will know yourself from the inside manifesting the outside.

I want to remind you that you can continue to enjoy our content made with a lot of love so that your awakening of consciousness is clearer and when it comes to identifying your beliefs you can understand the origin and thus be more practical so that you start the path of inner healing and the true manifestation. You can continue with the text: The Mirror Law.

Creator of Santai Healing. Expert in transformation of subconscious beliefs, connection of gifts and talents, integral energy healing of past lives and present life.


It is a pleasure to be able to answer any of your concerns or suggestions that you wish to communicate to us.

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